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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Friday, December 25, 2009
Finally.. time to get over it and start afresh..
Its just 2 days since harwny left me. Tryin to get over him.. But its so hard. Tmr laogong and i is going to print out photos of him and put inside the photo album i bought in precious moments. Haix...no jamming tmr. Its christmas anyway. Had no mood for it. Another plan for tmr is to make sushi for my laogong. Never done it before. Gonna research on it later although its quite late alrdy. Dont feel sleepy. Would get dark eye rings LOLS. Actually i think its time for me to like shop more often. Window shopping at least. To know more abt the outside world u see? On my blue contact lens. Look cool. But whats the point if its without a smile? Joy Chiang Jia Huan. U need to leave up to ur name.. even if its seemingly impossible. Does joy ever exist? Are u sure there is this eternal happiness in this world?I dont know...
Labels: Journal
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Hey today its christmas!! The first person i send my greetings to? Of Cos its horny!!=D Realised that i will not be able to take it any longer without food, i had dinner with darling today. Went to get pay. Return all my depts and bought all the necessary stuffs, i still had 200 bucks untouched. there are still lots of things i want to buy but.. i'll just have to work hard for it then! January i will be working at starhub diligently. Today went to office took pay, saw leaders getting very small amount of pay and my sales record sheet is like one of the tops amond the normal DSO. LOL. Laogong, Joanna, yanying, and i went to bugis and we shopped for stuffs. Laogong and i went into pet lover's shop and he noticed a cute hamster, same breed as horny.. and bought it home tgt with all the hamster stuffs. He wanted to name him horny... but i refuse to acknowledge that. Because no matter how simliar they look like, horny is irreplacable. I dont need any replacement and i dont like it either. In the end he named it kimo, coming from the word kimochi. Yeah no doubt he is cute. But... he is so stressed up and is shivering when we tried to get close to him. So... need some time=D Feel that choppy and i are getting closer these days. Didnt neglect her=D Hope she really have horny's baby and give birth soon!! I'll take extra care for her. Hmm.. from kimo, i know that laogong miss horny alot. He doesnt wants to show it because it will make me sad. And people have different ways to handle this kind of sadness. Some just kept thinking and crying( like me). While some is like laogong, bought a new hamster in rememberance. Many things that makes me sad.. i dont want to post it here. If one day i rmb, thats good. If i dont, thats even better=D My new year resolutions coming up=D this time im gonna follow it strictly.
Labels: Journal
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Everything is just like a dream. Although ive never experienced it before... but i think its something like a long premonition that doesnt come true. Horny... I still cannot accept the fact that u are gone in my life. Although u are hamster and i am human.. the chemistry bewteen us is so great.. and thats what makes me difficult to let u go.. I preformed a funeral ritual at khoon's house today for you. I dont want to.. because i dont want to pronounced u dead. 5 months with u is not a short period of time.. but its never enough time to spend with u. I miss going home everyday, going into the house and first thing i do is to put u on my left palm and u will crawl on me=D What makes me most sad is that i actually fail to realise that u are so sick until u are incurable by the vet.( Or he is useless) And images of u keep appearing in my mind... when u are sick, u couldnt even turn ur body over after u fell from the wheel. It breaks my heart darling. And the fact tat u died in my palm, the last few breathe u took its still ringing in my ears. The exhuastion the illness is causing u... i regretted. Ytd afternoon, i know u are sleeping for the whole day.... i didnt took u for it because u are lively when we took u out. Thats why we didnt pay much attention. But if we did.. things wouldnt have turned out this way.. isnt it? We could have more time to bring u to a better vet that specialise in hamsters... and u arent so weak ytd... Horny im so sorry i made u suffer this much... T.T U are only 6 months old.. too young to be gone even if u are a hamster... I didnt even see u eat ur own baby hamsters yet!! How can u get sick at this time... And khoon was saying.. things change so fast. Ytd we are all so happy and today... T.T Horny.. please let us be positive that choppy is having ur babies. I promise i wont make the same mistake again... I'll take care of ur laopo choppy on ur behalf... and maybe ur kids...last but not least... thanks for ur 1 dollar=D
Labels: Journal
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
He won, I lost. My last tears to hawrny. I Love you.
Hawrny won the battle destinated for him. I lost to him.. couldnt kip him with me for any longer. But...after all the crying.. i realised that.. thank god, he won. No more suffering from him. One night is enough. hahah!! He zhuan dao lo. The whole of last night im like so caring, feed water in his mouth and all these. Went to the vet, expected that to happen. Cant control my tears. My cute little hammy is gonna leave me alone now. How bad!! But..thats how life is.
5 months with him is really awesome time for me and i believe for khoon as well. Took days to decide whether to buy a hamster.. which gender we should get, and the owner picked him for us. Its all fated. I still can rmb the first time i hold him in my hand, so tiny that im afraid i might squueze him. Then as time goes by, he started to get use to his environment, to the little fish tank and small pee-ing house( used to store food for him) and the hamster food khoon prepared for him. How attentive isnt he? Did his best for my first cute hamster son=D LOL. Slowly, im the one who get use to observe him and his actions. So attractive, so amusing and interesting to me. Its a habit to have him in my palm and running around my body. Often gettint scold by my mother that he is dirty, i believe that he is the purest thing ive even met in life. No human can match. His intelligence, his 30km/h gromming-himself speed. Often, i imagine him smiling at me while we are playing. His body language. He is happy, thats all that i want to know. His next phase in life is that we started buying him more things. A ball for him to run inside(making screaming ladies in the house), and his sand bath. had to clean him manually xD Soon, we got him choppy, a mate to play with and mate with. So that we do not rob him from his rights to reproduce. yeah i saw him doing that. Which adds on to my experience in life. Hawrny, u thought me alot of things. Especially now that u are gone. U let me realise the importance to cherish the people around me. No matter who they are. Thanks for showing me so many things that without u, i wont be able to know. Now that u are in ur hamster world, leading a life with no worries, no pain, no suffering, only eternal happiness---joy( which is me). LOL xD I believe u wont forget ur daddy also^^ And... thanks for giving me the 1 dollar LOL!! Today 4d sure we tio alrdy=D Just let us win enough food for choppy and ur unborn sons and daughters^^ See. Mummy is not as greedy as u think. But if u want to give more, we dont mind at all=D LOL!!! xD And lastly.. rmb!! we are a family.... FATHER AND MOTHER, I LOVE YOU. We love u too=D Rest in peace. Labels: Journal. Waiting with horny.. Fight for survival..
Shouldnt have flare up just now... Cried till my eyes are dry...people must be thinking that im crazy..im not... but im turning crazy. Horny is suffering.. and i cant do anything for him.. Wonder how that feels? Its like see-ing ur family hanging by the cliff and u have no limbs, shouted but nobody came. He is in the cage right now.Lying on his stomach... trying to get some oxygen. It really hurts to see him like this. First time after we are so close... he didnt come when i commanded... Horny is so sick.. and its my fault for not taking good care of him. If i have done more research on how to take care of him... ask more people on methods and listen to experience... and not being proud to show him around to people that joy has a cute hamster... he wouldnt be so hurt...
Suddenly.. im so afraid.. to lose him like that. Such a fragile life.. and he is sick, he wont be able to communicate...like where it is hurting him.. and he is such a gentle boy.. who doesnt sqeak at all.. I know he is having a really difficult time right now... but i dont even hear him cry... Im so weak. Not even half as courageous and strong as a small hamster with a few months old. I coudnt eat anything when i know he is so sick..but i know if i dont eat... i wont be able to take care of him.I cant sleep, i want to be with him. I cannot sleep, i dont want any premonitions tonight..but if i dont sleep, i wont be awake enough for him tmr when he sees the vet. I know all these... but i just follow my mind when my heart is at work..I DONT WANT TO LEAVE HIM. Not even a second.. just hang on.. im with u... Fed him water. Forced down by throat.. rmb that someone told me before that sugar can replace food, so i added sugar for him. God.. which ever god u are.. please save horny from this misery.. "Horny... fight for survival... fight for me.. to survive this battle.. U fell from great heights before.. Its nothing to u!! Please.. dont leave me... at least not now... Im sorry for what ive done to u.. dont punish me by leaving... Now im with u.. every second.. fighting against death god... do not abandon me.. please... I promise i will learn more.. much more to deserve to raise u up.. until u have ur own family... enjoy ur 2 years life span with choppy.. and ur going-to-be-born baby hamster..." Labels: Journal IM AFRAID OF DEATH.
Tarots can tell the future accurately. My premonition can show me futurism. Tonight.. im not gonna sleep. I dont want any premonitions. Tonight, im not gonna read tarots. Im afriad to interpret something i dont want to know. Horny is so sick. I dont know if his case is serious of minor. Im inexperience. Went online to search from some possible cause and treatment where why he has a wet bottom, sunken eye, is lethargic and cant move properly, breathing fast and heavily. Now.. he is fighting for time, nothing else... 6 more hours before he gets to see the vet. If he can make it till then, he will be fine... Talking abt vet...i called just now.. try not to delay the timing for him to feel better... but consultation fee for emergency is.. 300 bucks. So.. poor people have to sacrifice life... And rich people got to live.. what do they call doctors? White uniform angels? Or money-faced freaks? Didnt get it properly but seems like the second one. Damn.. lost all the mood to blog. Fked up.
Labels: Journal
Monday, December 21, 2009
Choppy is pregnant? Now i can barely let him look at me. Tried to open his eyes from him today... but cant=( I played with himf or half an hour until he managed to open his eyes and jumped on my palm. Think he will be fine... Yes the one where he is in the wheel, he is licking his erected penis=D Yes~ Im 60% sure she is pregnant. Hahahas. Yay!! Dont know why im feeling so happy over it=D Its not like im the one who is pregnant. But hahahas~ Its a new phase in life! That day i noticed my male hamster--Hawrny(named by Mr.Khoon), licking something appears to be his erected penis. But im not sure and i did not dare to disturb him. Just that i swear i saw him licking something red and big o.o Later on at night, I saw hawrny playing with choppy( my female hamster named after chopper from anime one piece) and seems to be mating.In another words, having sex o.o and the hounding is so fast liek its running at 30 km/h LOL. Didnt realise back then although it looked like doggy style to me=D Until this morning i saw horny licking himself again, and notice choppy turning a little fatter than usual, storing food and hiding it under the beddings, reseached and realise she could be pregnant =D If she is, then its really a good news!!!^^ At the same time, my normally active and cute hamster hawrny appears to be sick... im so worried! =( Hope he regains his strength fast or i really dont know what to do.. He is just sleeping, slept with me the whole of last night, i wake up at regular intervals and saw that its sleeping soundly. Which last for the past hours since im online. So unusal =( I took some pictures of my de Labels: Journal Changed my blogskin again=D
I changed my blogskin again. Hope everyone who came here can enjoy this^^ Im waiting for our own demo songs to appear online then i'll add some music here. Its gonna be awesome! Today went to khoon's house really early=D Slept hugging thomas until 3 Plus? LOLS. Of cos im next to my laogong=D Its coming to half a year since we are tgt already. I really appreciated him!! So much!! The love for him is an horizontal 8!! We watch xian jian 3 until the last 2nd episode before we went for dinner with his famly. LOL. Everytime it makes me feel restricted to eat with others.( Not as in eating, but as in attitude) Have to be good girl^^ Dont be mistaken, im not evil=D Then went home. Laying on his lap, stare right into his face. He must be tired. Wake up ealier than me, reach home later than me. Just sent a kiss over=D Other than that, i dont know how to thank him for his efforts on me. He must be sleeping right now.
Look at horny and choppy, horny seems to be really tired. Didnt see him run abt and gave him nuts he refused. Its rare. Maybe he is depressed. Haix... What to do? Shall play with them until i fall asleep tonight. Pay day is on 24th december. Couldnt get christmas presents in time!! HATE IT!! Why is pay delayed!! =( I have the urge to stop working for starhub. No more motivation? Dont know. Decide later on=D Labels: Journal
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Stressed or uncertainty
These few days my heartbeat went fast for no reason. Is it high blood pressure or heart disease? I hope its not any sickness. Received news to say that pay is delayed. What the hell is going on. I waited for pay for like damn long-.-'' Haix.. hope its faster, at least before christmas, so i can get some presents for people and my laogong. Went for jamming on sat at trevors studio. Got pissed off while getting there. Its like raining quite heavily, me and laogong stuck in the rain, woke up late,wait for the wrong bus, wasted much time and my boots went wet. Utterly disappointed in myself!! Super unlucky afternoon. Finally reached our destination. Heaved a sign of relief knowing that we are not the latest, went in with elias, then we jam. Decided that cold room should be sang by trevor. I dont mind at all=D 'All of my being'/ "Bits and Pieces" is my next favourite new song. The tempo for 'It ends today' is gonna get hard on me. But im gonna make it=D I'll try at least. After jamming went to far east and saw the band shirt guys version. They wore it immediately.( Even though i rmb how dirty a new shirt is-- due to the manufactoring process, i didnt tell them-- dont want to spoil their mood) Kinda depressed because i still hadnt got mine made. Gonna get it done soon. Haix. After that was shopping with elias. Didnt know he is more hesistant than me when it comes to shopping and making decisions. How glad laogong isnt like that. Or i'll blow his head off for wasting so much time deciding for one thing. In another sense, its more of like being cautious to prevent buying the wrong thing, its good. Elias didnt manage to get a present for her girlfriend yet. Then laogong and i went for yoshinoya as dinner=D Feel so happy xD ( dont tell u why =P) Then Laogong bought me a piglet!! Its 50cm tall!! I think? But he says its not meant for christmas. How spendtrift!=P But nvm^^ its for me anyway^^ Decidede to name him thomas, cause its equally cute. Went to laogong's house to watch xian jian few episodes, head home.
Ytd, went to laogong house, slept with thomas, its so comfortable. Yay^^v Thanks laogong for buying me thomas. Love it so much!! At least it really cheered up my lousy day on sat=D Sorry to make him buy horny's food alone at great world=( I didnt mean to, but my eye is not comfortable and horny cant afford to wait, he is starving!! Then we went great world again to buy tibits when i woke at 4 plus. Watch xian jian, go home. Jon called, saying that i should go for vocal training. Im not good enough o.o Nvm that, im sitll considering. Then he called excited saying things abt recording in professional studio with sound engineers helping us. Yeah than i couldnt sleep, drag laogong online and listen to songs, did 2 videos covering xian jian ost. Now im heading for mrt to his house for some slp. Long time since im so relaxed. Love u laogong!! Labels: Journal
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Changes are meant to improve life=D
Changed blogskin.Today im not going to laogong's house. I knew that he wants me to be there. In fact every second he wants to be tgt=D Rmb, too much of something is poison. Not good for both of us. Ive mention so many times before, to leave some time for ourselves. So ive decided to work everyday starting from today=D So i'll get quite some pay on the 20th of feb next year, in time to buy mum a decent birthday present^^v Cant wait for the result of my O level. Hahahas!! Actually im more excited towards the new song tear drops demo. Its coming out really soon. Looks like its not gonna end modifying it o.o Im not a musician so i dont know whats keeping them so long to make it=D Yeah.. just somethings i can never understand unless i can hear the mistake made by guitars. Most likely impossible. Im gonna pack my table soon. Its been in a messy mode for a long time. Hope to clear it up hahahas. Tmr is quite a big day for some plan to carry out. Hope that it will carry out with no problem. Hoho=D Then i can pay off my debts to my sister first, then to my mum when i get my pay on the 19th or 20th. Hahahas^^v Been too long since ive worked. Almost a month of busy yet slacked days. Really sorry to wei liang, this month earned nothing from me. Today im going back, dont know what changes are made and what new promotions are out. Time past really fast isnt it? Soon its another year. Juts in 10 days. Hope our song can come out before next year^^v Im gonna shower and doll up for work, tidy up my table and rdy to go=D
Labels: Journal
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Reviews--Ris Low
First of all, i dont know her in person so its not really fair to judge her based on some videos and new papers regarding her actions. So im only here to state out what i feel about her everytime her video pops up on youtube raw( non edited).
The Boomz issue had created an unmeasureable setback to organisers and ris low herself, her bad english is not excusable that most singaporean young adults speak that way. ( I dont, and most of my friends do not speak that way too) It is not fair for SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH CHAIRPERSON to say that she is a good example of singapore english. In case they didnt realise, it is alrdy an arrow directed to the MOE. And by the way, this is a competition and Miss Singapore is a representative of singapore, she needs to have something, and good english is at least the basic. Who cares if she said she had A1 for english and communications? The pronounciation is the key of the competition. Even a stuttering person can score A1, so its not abt the written but the way they present themselves when they speak. Futhermore, does she really get an A1 for that subject? Its still a doubt. Credit Card Fraud issue resulted in her 24 months probation yet she thinks she deserve a second chance just like everybody else. Of course she does. Everyone does but not miss singapore. If she knows she had credit card fraud and deliberately hid it from the organiser and judges she does not deserve the forgiveness.Why? 1) Thats cheating. It reflects on her personality. 2) All the lying, who knows if she is real or just putting up a front in front of medias. As ive mention before, the prisoner in jail/ girl's home may even be prettier than everyone of us here. Why not get her out and take part in the competition? She kept mentioning abt second chance. Singaporeans gave her a chance to be honest during the competition, thats her second chance. She took it for granted then thats too bad. We are not obliged to give her any thrid chance after her faults are uncovered. She is 19 years old. Old than enough to realise what is right and wrong, what is the point of getting guilty over it only after mistake made? Its like apologising to the corspe.This issue also gave her a name of being shameless slut. In a chinese video, she confirmed to her audience again that she will 'juan tu chong lai' ( although she cant use such good chinese, i summarised for her) and take part in more of such competitions. What the hell? SHe thinks she is really pretty. Honestly look at other contestant @.@ No wonder she won. I can name out quite a few who are photo-genetically pretty as well. Judges are handicaps? Yup they are blind( in a sense). Mental illness? She pushed her blame and mistakes on mental illness. Is that what we call learning from the mistake? In fact. according to scientific research, almost every single one of us have mental illness. Its just the severity of each cases is different. She can appear infront of us like normal, what excuse can she give that deep down this illness is causing her so much agony? Thats is so lame. If i want, i can seek a psychologist and demand for stress pills too. Razor Interview( New). Think that she is improving and gaining lesser critism from singaporeans. But wait a minute, do they know that such in door studio interview are planned beforehand? She had her answers at th back of her mind. Who is she trying to impress this time. Ive seen some comments stating that her english improved. Thats too late. Crying over dead corspe. Its been so many months and we ought to know what kind of person she is like infront of the camera. Therefore, its a fact that singaporeans does not need to give her any sympathy. Anyways, thats enough fame for her. Hope she knows her limit of trying to gain fame with this kind of methods and stop bad mouthing people and acting cute/nice, especially the 1st runner up Claire Lee. Labels: Reviews
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I always.. had this problem?@.@
Few reasons why im so early.. but for the real one, even if i sau, would u believe?
1) I lost my watch and didnt realise i spend whole time playing the computer. 2) Actually i was too hungry to fall asleep but i cant find food in the kitchen, so i look for it the whole night. 3) I was too emotional because i heard some news on the tv. LOLS. Joy just cant stop joking around. Last night, jeff told me abt wanting me to become more american cause i sounded chinese at some parts during the recording. Showed me some videos tgt with jon. Teaching me how to come out with my own style from learning with some american artiste like paramore. At first i felt it crazy. Because i dont think i sounded like chinese time and time i listen to the recording. But then since all of them think so, it must be it. Not that i dont trust my laogong, but because sometimes lover's ear is deaf, even if he says he is so honest abt the answer. Talk abt a little bit of prejudice. But anyway, im thinking hard. What is my style? Should i copy them to make me sound american. I dont want to forget the fact that im still a chinese, i am born one. As a singaporean. Then i think... would americans wants to hear people imitating their style? But anycase, i post it aside. Went into audi, played some really cool music. Im trying to see their way of singing, how vocalist express the music. Think i got an idea. But dont know if it will work. Maybe im too stressed, just cant fall asleep.. until now..Haix. What is wrong with me. Kip thinking abt things...When im playing audi alone, im depressed. Labels: Journal
Friday, December 11, 2009
Time past really fast...
LOLS. Just before i came online, im thinking of whether i should blog or post anything. Saw too many blogs being used emo centres. Where even celebrity seems to reveal the true undeceived self through scribbles of lines online. Haha. Maybe thats how life is. In fonr of others u are standing on the stage performing, but behind others, your make up is removed, applause are gone for the night, whats left is that pale face never to be shown to anyone.big and powerful sentences lingers around us everyday. But who in the world actually acting according to it. U can hear them playing in a repitition for times next to ur ear, u claimed u know what it means. Do u really understand. LOL. Im not talking abt anyone here. Its just that i suddenly thought abt things of the past, people, event and memories meant to be remain as what it is. I like the crowd, but i like to be alone too. I like music and yet i find them irritating at times. I love someone, but he doesnt fond me at all, Someone love me yet i cant share my love. Things like these always happen. Seems like tonight im very emotional.Why?
Was waiting for my darling to reach home, i went to facebook with the intention to look for some pictures of my cute nephew thomas. But i typed in "alvin tay" and went to seach for my ex. Its not that i like him or regret breaking up with him.( FYI im so glad i made the decision to say bye). Maybe my pride is so strong that doesnt allow me to like that fact that he is living a goodlife now. I dont know why. Im just too evil to see people i dont like leading a goodlife. Hahas. Then i went to search for "karen tan". Thats when i know they broke up. Yay? I told karen long ago not to continue a relationship with alvin. There another girl is ruin. But it doesnt matter. Cause my life is great. Selfish huh? Yes i am. Then i search for "irving chen"-- The great liar. Yeah i finally decide to categorize him under this columm. I dont want to convince myself to belive in all those ridiculous things. Although in my world, its not impossible. This might be the best way to tell myself. "Yes. Thank god for giving me a laogong so wonderful. Although many things we cant foresee, but im just glad that he is next to me right now, caring for me, loving me, worrying abt me, even jealous abt me. I love him so much." And im chatting with him through the net now. Sorry all im not christian. In fact im anti-christ. But im not eightieth either. Who ever made things turned out for me so perfectly, is my god^^ No matter what, today ive learnt to mind my own business, to care for no one else but people who care for me. I love u darling^^ Labels: Journal
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Darling Laogong i love u so much...
First of all, sorry laogong if u noticed the time.( If u hadnt, i'll just confess) Well, im suppose to be sleeping now but i am not. Actually i intend to, but i just cant fall asleep. Too hungry for it. So i came online again and started browsing at random things until i got attracted to something related to music. I read blogs of artiste in singapore and some of them really cant make it big. This made me wonder if my voice could gain a recognition by others or it is not good enough even though i did my best. Like all those who dreamt of being a celebrity/star... how many of them actually succeed. So im emo-ing now. LOLS!! xD But i dont want to disturb u since u are having an exam tmr, major or minor u need ur rest=D Some more im thinking that if one day we are kinda famous in sg, would our time tgt be lesser? Thats definately a yes... Then would u be able to take it? I dont want to lose u.. *Hugs and Kisses*
Labels: Journal
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Back in Singapore!!
Yes Joy is finally back in singapore. There is so many things ive learnt there to share with u guys but i'll just make things short here~ If u want to book me=D Im only available on mondays and thursdays morning and afternoon^^v The rest of the time i will be busy with my darling=D Quite a few things i missed!!
1) My darling!!=D 2)Horny hamster!!^^v 3) Nice food!! 4)Pure water in singapore!! 5)Bolster!! Also many things such as work+ band btu i dont know how to rank them, i only know my darling is my priority^^ Yeah life is really good in taiwan although the first few days its really tiring cause we need to wake up early when we are following the tour plan. Especially hard on people like me who sleeps late at night. Then we took lots of funny photo. I will be on facebook soon( new account) to receive the tags so feel free to see me and my family there. It feels really good in singapore!! I love singapore!!( where u can find a decent toilet=P) Labels: Journal |