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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Friday, December 11, 2009
Time past really fast...
LOLS. Just before i came online, im thinking of whether i should blog or post anything. Saw too many blogs being used emo centres. Where even celebrity seems to reveal the true undeceived self through scribbles of lines online. Haha. Maybe thats how life is. In fonr of others u are standing on the stage performing, but behind others, your make up is removed, applause are gone for the night, whats left is that pale face never to be shown to anyone.big and powerful sentences lingers around us everyday. But who in the world actually acting according to it. U can hear them playing in a repitition for times next to ur ear, u claimed u know what it means. Do u really understand. LOL. Im not talking abt anyone here. Its just that i suddenly thought abt things of the past, people, event and memories meant to be remain as what it is. I like the crowd, but i like to be alone too. I like music and yet i find them irritating at times. I love someone, but he doesnt fond me at all, Someone love me yet i cant share my love. Things like these always happen. Seems like tonight im very emotional.Why?
Was waiting for my darling to reach home, i went to facebook with the intention to look for some pictures of my cute nephew thomas. But i typed in "alvin tay" and went to seach for my ex. Its not that i like him or regret breaking up with him.( FYI im so glad i made the decision to say bye). Maybe my pride is so strong that doesnt allow me to like that fact that he is living a goodlife now. I dont know why. Im just too evil to see people i dont like leading a goodlife. Hahas. Then i went to search for "karen tan". Thats when i know they broke up. Yay? I told karen long ago not to continue a relationship with alvin. There another girl is ruin. But it doesnt matter. Cause my life is great. Selfish huh? Yes i am. Then i search for "irving chen"-- The great liar. Yeah i finally decide to categorize him under this columm. I dont want to convince myself to belive in all those ridiculous things. Although in my world, its not impossible. This might be the best way to tell myself. "Yes. Thank god for giving me a laogong so wonderful. Although many things we cant foresee, but im just glad that he is next to me right now, caring for me, loving me, worrying abt me, even jealous abt me. I love him so much." And im chatting with him through the net now. Sorry all im not christian. In fact im anti-christ. But im not eightieth either. Who ever made things turned out for me so perfectly, is my god^^ No matter what, today ive learnt to mind my own business, to care for no one else but people who care for me. I love u darling^^ Labels: Journal |