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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Monday, June 28, 2010
Alright this post is for today! xD
Hmm.. i was practicing at home=) Kinda crazy for me to practice 'shen mu yu tong's song but i really like it!! Hmm... ive kinda decided wat songs to sing for finals. And i just realised 'nobody' is not easy to sing!! But i cant wait for the performance=) hmm.. kinda depressed today though... Haix.. T.T Cried on the bus on my way home from dinner~ Looks kinda retarded!! =.= But yeah.. i cant hide my feelings well. Hahas!! So many things are running through my mind now... LOLS!! Cheer up^^ Labels: Journal
Sunday, June 27, 2010
my love is so selfish...
Wow! Today i gave my first time...
Performing on Bukit Timah Plaza's Stage!=) It is also my first ever performance after i joined RIG. Although i only did one song and im not amazing or anything, but i will jiayou de! Next time i'll be back with a better technique and stage presence. Today i saw someone tat i dont want to see =( haix... my secondary 'foe'. And i swear tat they are laughing at me. its okay! It jsut makes me want to make my performance 'perfect', so tat even if they have anything to say, they cant pick a flaw abt my performance. LOLS. Not easy at all. Anyways i saw shirley again!=) And i saw evon, and sillykid as well! Thanks all for ur support haha =P I bet we all had fun. William told me why im not ready to be a royal artiste. Though he was like scolding me but im grateful. becos if i never knew wat im wrong at, i would repeat the mistake until donno-when. So if i learn from them, it will means im one step nearer towards my goal le! Will restrain my curiosity-self from now on. And be more hardworking with my face, my charisma, vocal, and dance. Looks like alot of things to work on! Joy is really busy nowadays and will get busier =( But all will be worthwhile eventually. You Zhi Zhe, Shi Jing Cheng~ Alright! My little hammies are 4 days old and they are SOOOOO cute! hahas pictures time! The cute young mother!! its her first time so give her an applause!=) Rewarded her with cheese! haix sry to the rest because i dont know why my facebook picture tat ive 'stolen' becomes so small when i upload! So i cant post it here! Anyways im glad i had a fun day with everyone! Labels: Journal
Thursday, June 24, 2010
1. Last beverage: Sinalco 2. Last phone call: Mum 3. Last text message: Lumch 4. Last song you listened to: JJ Lin-- Jiayou 5. Last time you cried: Cant rmb, but not too long ago HAVE YOU EVER: 7. Been cheated on: No? Not tat i rmb. 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope=) 9. Lost someone special: Yes...T.T 10. Been depressed: Yes, and quite often xD 11. Been drunk and threw up: Nope. Underage. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLOURS: 12. White 13. Silver 14. Black THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2010) 15. Made a new friend: Hahas Loads!! 16. Fallen out of love: Yeah.... 17. Laughed until you cried: Nope=) Not so extreme! 18. Met someone who changed you: Yes 19. Found out who your true friends were: hahas...realised it long ago!! 20. Found out someone was talking about you: I dont care anymore xD 21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Nope=) 22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Most=) 23. How many kids do you want to have: A soccer team!! xD 24. Do you have any pets: Yes, hamsters!=) =) 25. Do you want to change your name: Im open to suggestions xD 26. What did you do for your last birthday: Emo and cry.... 27. What time did you wake up today : 9am sharp =) 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Msn, facebook. 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Improve in singing/ dancing skills and get recognision. 30. Last time you saw your Mother: 5 or 10 mins ago? 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Social Network. 32. What are you listening to right now: Elson senior's song. Cause its on my blog! 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No? LOLS! Cruise maybe.. but tom no.LOL. 34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Myself being an irritant and sensitive. 35. Most visited webpage: Hellofm, campus rock, google. 36. What's your real name: Chiang Jia Huan 37. Nicknames: Joy/JoyJoy/Chiangch/Ah Huan 38. Relationship Status: Single and complicated. 39. Zodiac sign: Rooster 40. Gender: Female 41. Elementary?: GMS(P) 42. Middle School?: GMS(S) 43. High school/college: Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts. 44. Hair colour: Black. 45. Long or short: Long, Bra length. 46. Height: 160 was last measured. But add 1cm cause i i think i grew taller xD 47. Do you have a crush on someone? : Hmm... crush.. dont think so=) 48: What do you like about yourself? : Extreme accurate instints. 49. Piercings : 2. One of each ear =) 50. Tattoos: No. 51. Righty or lefty: Righty. FIRSTS : 52. First surgery: On th ear=) When im super young. 53. First piercing: Kindergaten 1. 54. First best friend: Karen.... 55. First sport you joined: Running. If dance is not a sport. 56. First vacation: New Zeland. 58. First pair of trainers: Hmm... Its white=) 59. Eating: Porridge. 60. Drinking: Breast Milk duh-.-'' 61. I'm about to: Force myself to sleep. 62. Listening to: Tiara--- Bo Beep. 63. Waiting on: A day where i get signed=) 64. Want kids?: Of cos!! 65. Get Married?: YES. 66. Career?: Artiste!! WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or eyes: Eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: Hugges. 69. Shorter or taller: Taller 70. Older or Younger: Older 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: ?? I'll be great if 'he' is my recycling bin but hmm arms =P 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive=) 74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationships. 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Neither?! But haix... hesitants if i really had to choose. HAVE YOU EVER : 76. Kissed a stranger: Yes =P 77. Drank hard liquor: Nope~ 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes hahas!! 79. Sex on first date: Nope. 80. Broken someone's heart: LOLS often.... 82. Been arrested: Nope=) 83. Turned someone down: Countless.... im so sorry!! 84. Cried when someone died: Everytime... 85. Fallen for a friend?: Yeah =P DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: YES 87. Miracles: YES 88. Love at first sight: Nope=) 89. Heaven: Sort of...? But dont call it heaven but haix religious so.. *censored* 90. Santa Claus: Yeah=) Hope he give me gifts. No socks anyway xD 91. Kiss on the first date: Nope. 92. Angels: yeah=) ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No=) Im very truthful with every.. 95. Did you sing today?: Yes LOLS!! Went for training!!=) 96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Hmm... confusing question? R/s terms No. 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: When im in Sec 3. 98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: Hmm...july 1st=) 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Yeah... sometimes. 100. Posting this as 100 truths?: No. LOLS!! Jkjk xD Of cos YEs!! Hahas alright! Had training today and william taught us alot of things tat we should know. Especially knowledge and i think its really fun cause i like all of these things=) Cos i believe tat we can be poor monetarily, but its more important to be rich in knowledge!! Omg today its the first time im meeting Ying Peng Senior. LOLS!! He is so silly tat is cute! LOLS. But when he sings its like he became a total different person!! His voice is kinda powerful yet romantic and lots of emotions through his performance!! LOLS... kinda depressed! Like i wonder how long then i will be like dat=( Just need to jiayou lo!!=) Oh.. didnt know william believes in feng shui too. hahas!! But i play tarots xD So tat explains my reading i did ytd. Hermit. hahas!! At first i tot its like no link but.. OMG? Its damn accurate!! Hahas Went home late today.. Kinda get them worried=) The big news for the day is.... Kiki gave birth to 4 pups!!! xD Congratulations to daddy Kimo And mummy Kiki!! Now i cant touch them o.o But im having all intentions to give 1 or 2 hamster to milly jie jie=) I promised her before^^ And raising a litter is not easy!! Mothers are so wei da. Love..... Sometimes when i dont express it.. doesnt means i dont care... Its just tat im like tat... I may look very expressive and cheerful but im made from bones and meat and i have feelings too... i cant be a happy poker face forever =( But i really care alot... xD Believe it or not=) Anyways my phone went flat half way during training so yeah.. wont be uploading any pup's picture soon. But today!! 24/06 Their birthday!! xD Loves my hammy!!! Kiki is feeding them breast milk now... Im so proud of kiki!! Being able to know how to take care of her kids without being educated!! Sometimes how i wish humans are as intellegent! =( Ran out of interesting text to write in campus rock article.... Write when i have the 'lightbulb' =) Oh yeah... boss commented tat my name is hard to adver so im gonna choose another name. Im kinda particular but names so i only choose names from my religion... Didnt want to clash into other religion names. Yup... So i have a few ideas in mind alrdy... and i kinda like it=) 1) Moira -- star of the sea 2) Isaura -- soft air ( my primary element.. wanted it to be my craft name at first) 3) Helia -- sun, shining light 4) Kaida -- little dragon LOLS! I only have these 4 of my liking so far=) Im open to suggestions!! ^^ But yeah... Not sure yet=) And i realise all 4 names end with 'a'. hahas!! Maybe its my preference bah!! xD Such a happy day today!!^^ Labels: Journal
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Went for training today~.
Its very hectic and tiring especially today. maybe its cause i over slept and had no time to eat! Thats why practice Qi its tiring=( LOLS. No energy. Hmm anyways haix.. recently so many misunderstandings with many ppl. Lets hope it clears up soon!! Hmm~ im not performing for 27th. Didnt want to disgrace the team, not becos i dont treasure my chance. Cause i do!! I just tot it would be better for me to perform when im stronger... I respect my audience and only give them the best thing i can. Virgo are perfectionist huh=) Im having such a low ego nowadays? hmm... And aiyo my hellofm and campusrock voting kip lying flat~~ Do vote for me k?!=) Thanks all~ Labels: Journal
Monday, June 21, 2010
Went to ROM today!!
LOLS.. its not me~ my god cousin's. Just nice its off day, so make a sudden visit there. heard the couples saying their pledge.. its so cool~ Imagine the respinsibility and commitment they have now. LOLS! they no need to say 'I Do'. Hahas! i tot they have to say it o.o in the end they said 'yes'. Its quite saddening to me... becos of wat happened recently.. But honestly.. if my career doesnt goes well, im really hoping to get married at 21. So whose's gonna marry me?!?!?!=P Anyways i did mass cleaning today~~ Clear kimo and kiki's cage, as well as choppy's. Choppy is SOO cute now cause she doesnt bite anymore!=) I think she finally got over the death of her husband =( I miss Hawrny anot !!T.T And i did spring cleaning for my table too xD Its super clean now!! And i deserve a good rest tonight=) Oh yeah!! Today i went to have dinner. A total of 10 ppl, cost 450++ Omg its so expensive. its not buffet. Just a restuarant. And i HATE the service? Its suppose to be a 3 or 4 star restuarant but i'll give it just a 2. The waitress can take away your whole cup to the kitchen and add ice?!?! Oh come on what if she drug it o.o And the shark fin soup, when she serves us, it spilled all over the table and wasted so many. Its money okay-.-'' And the food doesnt even taste better than the one below my house. haix.. will not go there ever again! Training starts tmr!! Gonna work hard!! Yup im in love with these 2 lines. 泪酸血咸悔不该手辣心甜只道世间无苦海 金黄银白但见了眼红心黑哪知头上有青天. Not only the first sentence has 5 taste. The ending sentence has 7 colors, though gold and silver doesnt represent colors. It represents money=) So its counted as 5. The meaning of the sentence is... Sour tears(Cried) and Salty Blood(Efforts put in), after regretting past evil doing. And Finally had a kind heart(Change for the better), from then, bitter(difficult times) will depart. Gold and silver(money/Greed) , Tempt and Cause us to have 'Red eye'(jealousy) and Black Heart(evil mindset), but there will always be an azure sky(justice)above us. Isnt it a cool sentence?! Reminds everyone to 'treat others the way you want to be treated'!! I Love chinese literature!!=) Labels: Journal
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Today was the pungol idol semi-finals competition.
Woke up at 11 to prepare for it but was tired, so went back to slp xD In the end i had breakfast at 12 plus with my sister~ Did banners for myself hahas =) Practiced at home to boost some confidence for myself. Didnt relaly help but at least i made sure i wont forget the lyrics. Anyways i was late! I reach punggol mrt at 5.40pm sharp. Im so so so so happy tat Poh got so many friends to support me! And alwyn was there with his friends too! Alright hmm~ i'll credit them below! Poh Breena Jolyn Keigi Malcom Sammy Boon Bing Alywn JiaJun Mr. Prawn Im so proud of them as they cheered loudly for me!!=) Alright though im in finals now... Im really really really unsatisfied with my performance. Its like.. the dancing part, im barely able to move an inch!=( Due to high heels and my trembling legs. Singing part, i totally 'call me call me' awfully. Plus in the beginning not cute enough. I wasnt even sure im smiling and singing! And then there are so many techniques i didnt apply! Its like my mind blank out and my palm is sweaty, esp the onw holding the mic. Haix... i will do better next time! i promise! Oh i met up with shirley and Wei today!!=) Hahas! ^^ Didnt get to take a photo with them yet... haix!=( Tmr will be an off day for me... Tired... Labels: Journal
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hmm~ i Shouldnt be wearing contact lens~
And i dont like encore's contact lens. I think it makes my condition worse after putting it on. Anyway i was out with friends just now for dinner. Thanks all for ur console. Seems like alot of them are worried for me~ But i guess tat im fine ~ Or perhaps.. i will be? I hope? I know tat im not ready anytime soon for a relationship. Im trying to give my full commitment In RIG, until at least sch starts in july. Then i will mark out my time again. Just had training this afternoon~ I know what im doing.. And i know im not putting in enough effort in my things. Seems kinda distracted here and there. Even during training ive slacken down. I can do better i know-.-'' Just tat im thinking through alot. Peeps~ Im not putting up a facade, or trying to act strong here but hey! Im sure nobody wants to see (joy) sad. Its kinda ironic O_O If joy is sad, the world has no happiness LOLS. Anyway i hadnt shared this break up thing with my family. Everytime i broke up, they would discover it somehow haha... But again, its not like im in good terms with my family. At least we arent talking. Im glad i have hamsters~ They would kip me accompany for the coming lonely nightSSS~ haha~ just a quote i feel like sharing with u guys, stolen from tay jiamin xD The girl u see smiling and playing happily in the day, could be the same girl crying into her pillow alone at night. LOLS. I edited it by a little here and there. Hope it sounds alright to all of ya~~ Anyways i have 2 article to boil midnight oil with~ So ive got to chop chop. And i have training at 1pm LATER. LOLS. I woke up late YTD and had to take away my 'breakfast' and eat there o.o Haix feels so sadded after i take away the chicken rice. Why? Cause i was walking half way to the mrt and realised tat ops? I can only eat my chicken rice 2 hours later T.T Hahas~ I feel retarded all of a sudden o.o Oh ya.. i want to give special thanks to lao ge( Old brother). Whom had been helping me alot getting through everything~ Thanks! Oh ya! Today i met up with another royal artiste. Which is Yi ting. Hahas! She is 1 year older but she knows how to make up nicely T.T At least she look pretty xD Training today is real fun anyway! Learnt alot, received alot of comments from others too!!=) A good way to improve ourselves as we judge others. LOL. Super stressed too!!! @.@ As im typing now.. my eyes is @.@ haix.. no time to pester my friends to vote for me in hello fm!! And i dont feel like cheating though heard from william how it can be done. LOLS! So friends who can help~ Please dozo =P Life's hard. But if u dont improve daily, U are gonna get crushed by ppl behind you. Jiayou joy! T.T So i shall end here for today~ Labels: Journal
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sometimes.. someone please tell me wat is love.
Its a common question but yeah.. different answers. I really dont know why my own relationship will end this way.. haix.. its like a few more days to our 1 year anniversary but... Things are just so unpredictable... who knows out everlasting love has an ending too... I dont understand why its so hard for you to adapt to my new lifestyle... I dont want or need u to change at all... But even so, i doubt u can... So haix... maybe we will work out better as siblings.. Like we used to be... And maybe its a great timing for me to focus on my career... With no more distractions... U will give me ur support right?.... Labels: Journal
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hadnt been coming online or even touch my lappy for about 2 days now=)
Im finally recovered since friday's fever today!! It wasnt something worth celebrating but at least i wont get drowsy becos of med anymore~ Though the cough is still thr, but it wont affect much other than flu, tat would change my voice quality O_O But anyways, im going for training later at 1-3. Will mention tat later. Dance pictures!! Oh yeah... and thanks ch1n for coming though he is not feeling well!! Monday 14/06/10: A day with khoon~ It was really fun, we met out at around 10 plus, had breakfast tgt. At cineleisure xD Cost us 30 bucks in total-.-'' Omg the food isnt tat nice afterall?? Waste of money~ really. Wont go there again. And went to play pool for an hour =) And had mcdonalds!! xD I only had mc flurry and SOME fries becos im having a serious cough o.o Went to buy gift for his brother's bday. Both of us decided on a plush toy -'stich' at first, since its kinda cute=) But then i think it would be more usable if we get something he can use o.o Instead of just a small plush toy to play with~ Then i got him car cushion. Khoon got himself the stich instead. Hahas xD Anyways he named it 'xiao lan' = 'small blue' = 'bluey' We are offered a cup at 4 dollars and its pretty, so we bought it as well. Went to his house and prepare for dinner. His brother says cmi. LOLS! waste my time-.-'' Anyways yup had fishball noodles LOL. It was a enjoyable day!!=) Too tired and feel asleep.. and next day morning... Tuesday 15/06/10: Got news from william to say tat no dancers are allowed! T.T I felt... haix, its okay, maybe i'll save it for finals if i can get in=) Anyways i hope i can PK with some1 in royal. So tat i know whr i stand during live. Win or Lose, actually its no big deal =) Anyways i woke up at 10.30am to prepare for training at 1. Sounds ridiculous but ya.. had breakfast at 11am after everything was done. Leave house tgt with khoon( came to accompany me for breakfast). Reach william's house at 1pm sharp. LOLS!! I hate it when the rest are late becos hello? Im futhest here~~ But sherman had a valid reason, and jessica was on time. I dont understand why Max is late for half an hour and even so, he hadnt eat yet-.-'' Haix, had to wait for everyone to reach before we can start training. Sorry but being impatient but ya.. chop chop every1!! Time and tide waits for no men. A quote i learnt in sec 2. Training time=) Elson shi xiong helped me along and he is a funny guy hahas!! Oh yeah speaking of training... personally, I dont like to train in a group more than 2. I prefer it if its just me and sherman. Elson shi xiong came along but im really FINE with him becos he use really little time to be coached by william. Mostly he just use about half an hour in total, and he spents ALOT of time on me and sherman, teaching us as well. Its about the asset and liability thing. And when we train like ytd, william had to manage all 4 of us and we learn less thing honestly. Sorry for being selfish=( Of cos i really like jessica and max alot!! But i hope training will be in a smaller group. Like how it used to be me and sherman~ And hey... i have no improvement T.T its really sad, but i shoudnt use my 'sick-and-didnt-train' as an excuse and never should it be. Today 16/06/10: Having training later from 1-3. LOLS?~! I really have no urge to go if its in a group again. But luckly, its just me and sherman for this time slot. Cos hmm.. i take 3 hours to travel to and fro. And training is only for 2 hours hahas. Or rather its only 1 hour. Cause we got 2 person O_O Abit 'not worth the time' o.o But well! At least i get to train!!!! Hahas got to prepare soon=) haix i hate travelling!! Especially i have motion sickness-.-'' Like ytd the bus kip jerking i was like.. @.@ Haix!! 1.5hr to travel thr! 10 mins walk to aljunied mrt( take bus will be longer) 5 mins to Wait for the train. 2 mins journey to Paya lebar. 3 Mins to Walk to circle line. 5 Mins to Wait for the train. 13 Mins Journey to Bishan Interchange. 3 Mins walk to North South Line. 5 Mins waiting for train to come. 21 Mins journey to Woodlands. 3 Mins walk to Bus inertchange. 15 Mins Bus waiting time. 10 Mins travelling time. 5 Mins to walk up to william's house and ring door bell. *calculates* In total: 100 Mins = 1 hour 40 mins. Im really not exxagerating and this is the shortest route other than taking a cab. Tiring ey!! So khoon, shouldnt u learn driving like now?! And not wait till u finish poly? And what if i need to travel and hey! Its raining heavily like RIGHT NOW?! Becos hey~ u dote ur girlfriend ey? =P Sorry about complaining becos haix u know.. girls rantle alot xD How i wish i can stay nearer!! =( And the next thing i know...i have an overdue article again. LOLS. Goodluck later!!^^ Labels: Journal
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Alright, im finally done with my article=)
Recently ive like submitting articles late-.-'' Which is not what i wanted. Although i have quite a few things to do, i dont want to find any excuse for myself. A task is a task afterall~ Anyways, ive also finalised the 1st part of the song, like how its gonna be presented on stage. I'll leave the 2nd part for tmr and i promise to finalise EVERYTHING tmr by hook or by crook. So that i can focus on the singing part and go for training real soon!!! Performance on the 20th chop chop!! xD Talking about performance, congrats Jessica and Sherman entering semi-finals! Though boss isnt really happy about overall performance, at least we've all learnt something through the process and we will promise to work on it till we wont make any more similar mistakes~ Yup, im helping lumch overcome with her relationship problems. Then i came to think about mine. its just a active volcano, any second it might erupt without warning. but really thankful, khoon is really understanding, and really putting in effort to adapt to all of these. Nobody knows wat will happen in the future but, lets hope for the best and not live our life gloomy. Uploading photos later=) Labels: Journal
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Okay just a short post, slight update for wat previous day.
I wanted to blog ytd but i was too tired for it, so i got myself knocked out on bed. Ytd after i woke up, went to buy a cap, becos Ch1n says girls with cap looks cuter=) LOL. And i think wat he said suits the theme so i went to get one. Then off i went to the studio. Reached at about 2 plus. Way too early for training at 3. I walked around at plaza sing and there is a stage for 'kevin lao shi'. (though i dont know who he is) Im simply not a TV type of person. But his crowd is really good=) For a celebrity who is into cosmetic stuffs. Most of them are middle age ladies and of the older gengeration. Then i head of to cathay, where the studio is. I didnt dare to eat anything cause im kinda worried i might puke out everything while dancing=( So i just drank peach tea ^^ The studio is quite spacious for the 2 of us. We've got some moves standardised before the chorus=) Plan quite alot of things. Though im still not satisfied with it but hahas. Times pass really fast. And we got to leave the studio! It was 5pm, we went to suki sushi. Dinner's on me as promised!! The guys went to play pool and im glad they had fun xD Went home, Ops. Ladies problem=( Haix... unlucky week spurring up. Labels: Journal
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Haix-.- Wat the hell?? Ytd morning i was already feeling sick =( Like running nose and sora throat. But well, since sherman is having training, and i dont feel so weak, I went down to woodlands and have training tgt with him. Elson shi xiong is also thr=) LOLS. Its quite fun and i enjoyed the lesson overall~ William and elson didnt really push me too hard as i was sick. But after going home, my temper went really bad. And i went straight to bed. Didnt catch a good slp becos i was disturbed by the running nose. Cant breathe o.o Haix.... And today im suppose to have BBQ at east coast park. It was all planned, Long time ago. But today i realised i had fever-.- And anyways mandy and vivian and jiamin is not going due to personal reasons. And kimberly is invited. LOLS =.='' And this is not gonna be fun anymore. Its not even a clique. And my condition is really getting worse-.- Yup this is a picture of my thermometer~ ARG!! =( Labels: Journal
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Oh my!!! T.T
The sore throat is killing me!! T.T Aww... droppy eyes and i cant fall asleep!! =( The running nose is so irritating, and the itchiness in the throat is just making things worse. I dont think i can sing in this condition. Had 3 strepsils. I find myself kinda dumb becos i finally knew wat sore throat is o.o I always tot sore throat is cough hahas xD Now i know le!!-.- Hahas young, dumb and ignorant. Anyways i tot i can manage to do my friday article. But i feel so weak all over? Think im falling sick. Bad timing!! Im healthy de leh-.- Haix... Aiyo, im thinking if i should go for training with sherman=) If we train tgt, we can have more chemistry^^ But im like sick. And its like.. so far-.-'' haix wat should i do!! Labels: Journal Strengthless
Recently ive not been catching enough sleep.
Its like ive swallowed a clock into my stomach and would auto-wake up. LOLS~! its kinda funny but yeah really downright true for my case. Ops i can see the pimple not dying off =.='' Tonight i woke up at 3.30am with a running nose. Slept at 12.30am. No doubt im tired now. Seems like i really have the time now to finish up my over-due article. One down today,One more to submit tmr xD After gym, went home to write the lyrics for the song as there will be training later in the evening. Rushed to woodlands and im still late!!! OMG-.-'' Its really too far le. Alot of time spent just on travelling. About 1.5h just to get there =( Montion sickness is killing me. But training was nevertheless more fun to be in a group. And new things can be learnt everytime. Just tat i didnt managed to catch up my last train!! =( Had to walk from paya lebar T.T Like im not tired enough already?!?!?! But its okay, i enjoyed myself and benefitted from it. I didnt know training is going to over run again. Had khoon wait for 1 hour in the station doing nothing. I feel kinda bad. But ive got no chioce?!! Its not really safe to go home so late at night. Especially we have to walk the dark dark alleys to reach home like just now. I really need some1 next to me o.o He was really angry i had him wait for so long. Becos i told him if training over run, i would give him a text 30 mins before the original meeting time. But i fail to do so and he is really frustrated. Standing in his shoes, i would too, since im more impatient than him. I spent the whole journey back crying and making him understand how hard it is for me, if i ever lose a chance i waited for 16 years. And i hope he will get it, tat wat ever he is doing may be harming me indirectly. Like i will get distracted, wanting to sms him and tell him ;'hey sorry i will be late!' And if this carry on, i will be spilt into half, and not accomplish anything in the end. Of cos, i know i should give my time priority to the artiste carreer. But i would give my heart's No.1 to khoon. I dont know will he get it or not, but if he really loves me, he will. So will he? O_O Im so confused right now... im making my path so clear and putting in effort to all the things, but it just turns out differently. Haix. Depressed =( Not going to KTV tmr. Dont think it really helps in training as the echo and tremble is too strong. Cant hear the flaws clearly even if there is. I'll just stay at home and clean up which ever mess i have. Im not even busy with school yet. When sch starts... gonna change my routine. Oh ya, didnt have time to bother about hellofm and campus rock's voting!! Aiyo lose liao LOLS. Lets hope my friends can auto abit huh~~ if they happen to saw this xD Im gonna hit my sacks agains. Eyes cant take it anymore T.T Sometimes, it really hurts when some1 u care dont see ur point and effort... which makes u want to cry. Labels: Journal
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Went for training today at william's place.
Omg I didnt know woodlands is so far from aljunied LOLS!! xD its like super...... long journey. But thanks fot circle line, its not tat bad afterall=) I reach his place about 15 mins later than plan. Promise not to be late again ^^ But training starts later, when i met another artiste, sherman. Hahas So tall sia he xD Anyways lesson is stressful( Positive), but really beneficial and and enlighting. The techniques ive heard before somewhr, frm variety shows or something, But ive never put tat into action before. Now tat im training, determination is really basic O_O Ive taken notes in my autition notebook xD hahas!! I will kip it up to date everytime i attend lesson, and im going for training tmr night=) Seems embarrasin to sing to the crowd especially when i 'po yin'. Which is common since im still amatuer @.@ But well.. if im embarrased and sorry now, i wont be able to do my best and improve myself. So.. Resolution for tmr: Dont be scared, the people thr less other artiste and teacher, wont rmb me after the night!! xD Yup elson shi xiong bought us drinks when he came xD LOLS=) first tiem see-ing him, he is less chubby than in comercials=) So ive got to slim down too!! =P And if i ever get a chance to get as far as him, i wont seem so chubby infront of media xD We took a photo together on the way home. Sherman cabbed me to yio chu kang xD Which make my trip back faster=) And then i met up with LG in tiong... had 18 chef. *yums yums!!* And fell asleep at his house soon after. Last but not least, i was sent home and now i am here blogging. Oh my, im suppose to submit an article, this time i wont take any reference or do research le lols=) Just write from my knowledge^^ yawns im so tired.... wanna slp!! T.T Labels: Journal
Sunday, June 6, 2010
My 100th Post in the blog!!!=)
I wanted to blog ytd~~
But i was too tired for it =( And my laptop have a bad connection once i drag it into my room. Thus i hit the sacks Zzz at around 11.30 plus when i reach home =P For the last 2 days i didnt catch much sleep due to both upcoming competition, Both nights were spent to prepare for the competitions. Yup, made it to pungol idol semi-finals o.o I have a rough idea which song im gonna sing for 20th june xD Gonna train alot of songs. Labels: Journal
Saturday, June 5, 2010
ARG @.@ Im so tired~
But i came online to blog , about the fam of the year~ We made it to the top 16's without a doubt ( well done to grace and diva) And of cos we saw loads of pros thr o.o I think i did pretty well during the song, compared to the training we had the day before o.o But received goodie bags which @cash items bla bla~ Though i dont know how to use them yet o.o But the handphone strap and notebook is NICE =) =) The next team we are up against is DC-squad. Everyone is so worried except for me. Hahas!! Its not tat i dont care, its just tat i dont think we are tat weak, or they are tat strong. Pawned them many many times honestly. However, during the game, i dont know which idoit kip pushing my chair. I turned back and shout at him/her/whoever, but i see no1 o.o I kip losing my chain becos of this-.- In the end the more lucky DC-squad win by a little. Haix, khoon tot i was shouting at him o.o LOL? Anyway we are all kinda depressed. And im not finding any excuse for myself becos im doing pretty awesome job. hahas. SOme1 even cried o.o Yup, in the end i had to crack a joke and make them laugh hahas~ haix... was super tired as i slept late last night, and woke up early to train o.o Tmr is the first round of Pungol Idol Singing comppy. Hope i dont waste my time thr. Learn a song in few hours?o.o Try lo~ T.T Labels: Journal
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Haix.. i made some1 angry early in the morning =(
A reccount of what happened..... Its becoming a habit to go online everyday when i wake up and go to vote myself. I was totally shocked when i saw my votes running at below 10% Im Like.. @.@ And i was wondering what could have happened. Of cos im worried and anxious!! Many things are running through my mind for example: All my past efforts are gone?!! T.T Why did my name and some1 else's name swop place?! O.O Is it a poll box virus?! T.T What will happen if it wasnt an error and there is no way to deal with it?! T.T I was so nervous tat i went SMS-ing william and joseph. As i tot both of them is somehow the admin, or at least knows alot of things about what happened. So i gave a few calls. I tot william is deep in sleep, so he didnt respond to my calls or sms. But joseph did. My name was suppose to be the last name in the poll, and now its his name. I tot nobody else had any problems like name swopping place. And joseph's votes was running like my previous's precentage. So i tot maybe our names are swopped by error o.o So i sent him an sms and asked :' Why did my votes go to you?' And he replied :' No, the voting system resetted ytd night.' Which made me more nervous!! What does he mean b reset?! All my past efforts are gone?!! o.o And its not smth to laugh at O.O Its 1o days of hard work!! This is our conversation. Me: Wat do u mean? Me:My name and ur name swop place?-.- Me: Joseph, any explaination? The system did not reset. Only the 2 of us is affected. Ill ask my friends to stop votes until i get to the bottom of this. Sorry ah... *joseph came online and this is now our msn conversation* I jumped into the conculsion by then tat our name swopped, as well as our votes. Cause it really seemed tat way to me. Especially when i saw my name not last in the poll. Me: O.o?? I sms-ed u but u didnt tell me what happened.Its not the system reset/restart So how??!! *worried* Joseph : I dont wish to talk to u for now being thanks. Me: Wat? Why?! --- At tat time, i didnt notice tat joseph is alrdy mad at me =( ---- Me:Im not blaming u or anything leh... i just wanna know why... joseph??!! Aiyo wats so difficult to tell me wat happened?!?!?! ---Then he told me wat happened--- So actually... the voting system sort of 'restarted'. But rather then restart, i would say tat it moved on to part 2 of the vote. The first part of the vote was before june 3rd 2010. And now we proceed to the 2nd part of the vote, whr the first part of the vote are taken out and left aside. haix!! I didnt expect tat at all!! =( And joseph is mad at me for accusing him taking my votes. Honestly if im him, some1 came to disturb me during my slp, and said some harsh words, i would get angry at her too =( Haix... i am too harsh on things, being impatient adds on to it... I always jump into a conclusion when there are only a few evidence tat i may be right. And this time, i seriously hurt some1. I should learn to be less freaked out when things change and try to calm down and think through it carefully =( Anyways....Joseph, thanks for explaining things to me. Yup u didnt owe me an explaination... im just going to any1 who knows wat could have happened =( Im so sorry!!! I swear i didnt mean to accuse u of anything!! =( I just want to know why..... Haix sorry!! Labels: Journal
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The voting compeition has been on going for the past half month, and thanks to my family/friends/friend's friend, im leading up to now!!=) Although the competition hadnt end, but i would like to thank them for supporting me and helping me with my votes everyday xD
The following are those people whom had gave me their support : Family : Chiang Jia Wei Leck Wan Qing Leck Zi Xuan Ng Jie Ying Ng Zhuang Ying Tong Hou Jun Jun Liang ( Holland) & last but not least --- laogong ^^ God family: Jun Jie er zi Dawn Wan nv er Pei jun jie jie Wei Lie didi Roy kor kor % last but not least --- Lum Yan Ying nv er^^ Friends: Zacson Ke Qian Eric Tan Vivian Tay Tay Jia Min Jodi Tan Khoo Er Chin Vienna Chen Jing Yun Rence Gary Tun Keong Wei Liang Issac Mike Neo Randy Bay Leonard Lim Wei Yang Kenlia Deborah William Koh Dennon Darryl Tan Zhi Quan Ming Xuan Li Yee Qi Zheng Janice & Many many more!! Lets continue to work hard together alright!^^All the best to those who are having exams right now, and special thanks to all of them who spend time voting and asking their friends to help =) PS: For laogong, happy 11th monthsary xD Love U Loads~ Labels: Journal |