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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Haix.. i made some1 angry early in the morning =(
A reccount of what happened..... Its becoming a habit to go online everyday when i wake up and go to vote myself. I was totally shocked when i saw my votes running at below 10% Im Like.. @.@ And i was wondering what could have happened. Of cos im worried and anxious!! Many things are running through my mind for example: All my past efforts are gone?!! T.T Why did my name and some1 else's name swop place?! O.O Is it a poll box virus?! T.T What will happen if it wasnt an error and there is no way to deal with it?! T.T I was so nervous tat i went SMS-ing william and joseph. As i tot both of them is somehow the admin, or at least knows alot of things about what happened. So i gave a few calls. I tot william is deep in sleep, so he didnt respond to my calls or sms. But joseph did. My name was suppose to be the last name in the poll, and now its his name. I tot nobody else had any problems like name swopping place. And joseph's votes was running like my previous's precentage. So i tot maybe our names are swopped by error o.o So i sent him an sms and asked :' Why did my votes go to you?' And he replied :' No, the voting system resetted ytd night.' Which made me more nervous!! What does he mean b reset?! All my past efforts are gone?!! o.o And its not smth to laugh at O.O Its 1o days of hard work!! This is our conversation. Me: Wat do u mean? Me:My name and ur name swop place?-.- Me: Joseph, any explaination? The system did not reset. Only the 2 of us is affected. Ill ask my friends to stop votes until i get to the bottom of this. Sorry ah... *joseph came online and this is now our msn conversation* I jumped into the conculsion by then tat our name swopped, as well as our votes. Cause it really seemed tat way to me. Especially when i saw my name not last in the poll. Me: O.o?? I sms-ed u but u didnt tell me what happened.Its not the system reset/restart So how??!! *worried* Joseph : I dont wish to talk to u for now being thanks. Me: Wat? Why?! --- At tat time, i didnt notice tat joseph is alrdy mad at me =( ---- Me:Im not blaming u or anything leh... i just wanna know why... joseph??!! Aiyo wats so difficult to tell me wat happened?!?!?! ---Then he told me wat happened--- So actually... the voting system sort of 'restarted'. But rather then restart, i would say tat it moved on to part 2 of the vote. The first part of the vote was before june 3rd 2010. And now we proceed to the 2nd part of the vote, whr the first part of the vote are taken out and left aside. haix!! I didnt expect tat at all!! =( And joseph is mad at me for accusing him taking my votes. Honestly if im him, some1 came to disturb me during my slp, and said some harsh words, i would get angry at her too =( Haix... i am too harsh on things, being impatient adds on to it... I always jump into a conclusion when there are only a few evidence tat i may be right. And this time, i seriously hurt some1. I should learn to be less freaked out when things change and try to calm down and think through it carefully =( Anyways....Joseph, thanks for explaining things to me. Yup u didnt owe me an explaination... im just going to any1 who knows wat could have happened =( Im so sorry!!! I swear i didnt mean to accuse u of anything!! =( I just want to know why..... Haix sorry!! Labels: Journal |