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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Monday, May 31, 2010
Recently, its tiring to invite my friends to vote for me in the compeition o.o
I dont know if its the same for the rest of the competitors like kadon and angie whom are doing well. Maybe they had supporters whom vote for them unconditionally while i got my votes for pestering my friends to vote for me everyday xD I dont think i can maintain my first position in the coming days~ But well, i'll just do my best!!! Not to give up until the final moment =) Ive finish watching the first series of Young Justice Bao last night. Woohoo the ending for the last case is too realistic. Dont like it =P Now tat ive started with season 2, justice bao did plastic surgery and is another person casting=) I dont really like him tat much becos he lose his cuteness compared to the first actor. And most of the hilarious parts are gone in season 2. Hmm.. this afternoon i asked quan quan to join this compeititon. Hope she will win the Miss campus award!!=) I'll help her choose a photo now =P Labels: Journal
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ive finally decided to upload some pictures on my blog~
Feels more colorful somehow. Hahas uploading sure takes time!! I did my rebonding today. And im very very satisfied with it=) Although its not my first time to demand for my hairstyle but.. This is the first time the salonist does according to my plan!! Hahas xD No regrets! And i'll be posting some pictures taken during the sentosa family outing. Not forgetting to mention that my audi deprove like.... @.@ But who cares~ I just dont feel like playing =( This is kimo, casting in Spiderman IV, preparing for the shooting. Its mini rainbow~ Not painted by postal colors ah~~ Labels: Journal
Friday, May 28, 2010
Hoho went to sentosa and far east today!=)
I stayed up the whole night to watch 'Young Justice Bao' and went straight off. Extreme exhuastion! But it was fun, we took some pictures=) Not alot, just about 300+ in 4 hours xD I'll be waiting for wanqing and my sister to upload on facebook and steal from there~ U know, i dont own the camera and i dont do the job^^ After having mcdonalds at habourfront, we took the train to far east!! The least to my expectations is tat i am unable to spot a single item the i fancy-.-'' Im more of a bugis street person than far east person i suppose? At least in bugis street, some clothes/shoes can catch my eye every 100 hundred steps i make=) I walked the whole of far east for a few levels and im not attracted to anything xD Good! Saved up for the day. Khoon came to fetch me to home and i slept immediately i touched the bed. Good thing he didnt disturb me =) Or maybe he did? Just tat im too deep in my sleep =P When i say i wanna go back home when i wake up, he wasnt pleased at all. Hiax =) Im kinda worried about my votes and at night its the best to time to get to my friends. Everything turned out well and he even bought sweets for me =) =) =) Yup! WHen i reach home, me sis is alrdy pulling votes for me~ How nice right~~~ Im asking most of them to vote in the donut empire, While as for campusrock, let nature take it course! Although i dont know who is vivian and byon, But thanks so much=) And there are some things and some events recently, Making me feel depressed. But i know, its impossible to please EVERY1. Even if i didnt get ur support, it doesnt matter to me anymore=) And i should get so upset about those comment u have becos in time to come, things will prove itself right^^ Labels: Journal
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Elson senpai is finally discharged today=)
All of his fans/friends and family could heave a sigh of relief Glad he was no longer in danger and is recuperating now. I believe he will get well soon so no worries=) I'll be looking forward to perform with him or even meet him in person~ So pray tat he will recover faster and be on stage again! Hahas. Tmr i will be going out with my family, the legendary F4. Which is my sister, 2 nieces and I. We will be going sentosa in the morning( Becos xuan wants to T.T) I really dont understand why she wants to go thr o.o Its like so boring for me right now~~ Anyways after tat we will be going to orchard far east to get some new clothes and stuff=) Anticipating it! Although ive got to wake up early at 8am later, i dont seem tired right now. Maybe its insomia =P Hmm.. didnt meet up with khoon today, he should be accompanying his mother xD Recently im watching the show 'shao nian bao qing tian'. It's released in 2000 and im watching it the 2nd time. The first time i watch it im too young=P Cant really understand. Now i do^^ So tat means i grew up and mature! Which makes me respect all those that are older than me~ Oh yeah! My audi sucks now =( Been too long since i last play.. I wonder if i will pull down the team during the compeition fam 2010 =( Lets hope i wont xD Fam 2010! 5th June! Wait for me!=) Labels: Journal
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Life is truely, like a roller coaster ride, but only becos of tat, life is meaningful. Maturity is acheived when a person accepts life as full of tention. ~Joshua L. Liebman Ive been thinking about what to blog about today in my shower just now. There is so many things i would want to write about, on the other hand, so many contradicting feelings piling up on whether i should, or should'nt. Blogging has always been personal, and i could write about almost everything i want to, as long as it is not offensive=) But now its different and its all gonna change=) I like the evolve =) Just for friends/ any1 that has noticed, There is a RIG logo in the blog=) Im finally 1 step towards my dream! Joining RIG was the least of my plans, just a moment of urge to give it a try. Im more than elated to be part of the family, and so surprised that i can make it this far. Announcing that I am moving on conjured different reactions for people around me. Some are just very happy for me, while some are not. Whatever of it is fine, and for people who know me should know tat... I am someone tat i may be a slow walker, but i will not walk backwards.My own resolution to succeed is more important than anything else! Therefore i appreciate all the encouragement and blessings=) Hmm... my first time having my own group in facebook, now more than 100 friends joined me. Its a happy sting in the heart xD Im also involved in online voting competition as a DJ. Honestly i would really want to try out how being 'on-air' is about! Ever since the compeititon started, ive been putting my pm to ask for votes and even i didnt know that my social network is not tat bad afterall=) An article written by me is also flashed on the net, and im really expressing how much i miss harwny T.T Hmm.. anyways thats all for today, i gonna change my template soon!=) Gambatte Ne!^^ Labels: Journal
Monday, May 24, 2010
OMG i didnt really its been such a long time since i last posted anything here. Hmm... Life at home is really boring!! But i rather do nothing than do something tat will not benefit me at all =) Yeah im currently so broke tat i want to look for a job-.-'' But my laogong doesnt want me to. Haix. There are so many things i want to buy and do before school starts =( Okay the recent performance at TPY central is my first collaboration with jialin. During the performance, i think our voice matches really well,the voice part was really great. But when i look at the video, omg its not tat good anyway-.-'' We got to really practice abt our stage presence and all. Ive finally gotten my pay from BGC. Wth -.- Need to bank in to get the money!!!!1 Waste my time-.-'' Anyway im still thinking , should i go to kbox with family this friday or not? If not i can accompany my laogong and all...and go for rebonding at the same time. Haix... so confusing. Im not saying khoon is no my No.1 Well... just tat its been long since ive stepped into Kbox T.T AH!!! What to do!!!!!!! Labels: Journal
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
U know when things is getting abit over??
When u asked me not to work, i listen to you. I was expecting u to accompany me when u are free a.k.a not in sch. Now 1 whole day u didnt bother to contact me and everythings too late. Now u want to find me? No way? Priority? Hmm?? U answer this question urself. Labels: Journal
Friday, May 14, 2010
Life is just like that. Ive been swopping around accts and playing audi the whole day. It was so sweet of laogong to come visit me. But who knows he sleeps all the time-.- Lazy laogong =P Erm... taking part in the fam 2010 competition. Representing 2010. I made up my mind alrdy. If nobody is gonna do anything to the x~~SoRa~~x , im gonna quit it. And i mean it. Although im not very pro but, I know tat if i want to go any fam, i will pass the requirement at ease. So... tats tat. Hope ppl in Exabeat start to train. I dont want to disgrace myself there due to no coordination xD Drained out of energy. Labels: Journal
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Just woke up o.o Kinda boring. Been to audi but came out after a while. Skill did improve abt c6. Maybe its becos my mind is clear o.o Cpl of updates for myself. Went to celebrate mother's day last sat at 'the ship'. Somewhr in orchard o.o All the sims drive ppl including the 3 siblings( wei jian) are thr. I had lamb chop. Just wanna act yi ge xD Dont even know how to cut it -.-'' Thank godness i have housewife xuan next to me. She did all the chopping for me =) But i dont know why my stomach turned bad. Half way thr i walked out of the restuarant. Looking for a toilet. ( Not to shit) Couldnt find and cant hold it anymore. Vomitted out everything o.o Not alot of ppl know. I think? Then felt all better. Mrt home after shopping for present. I didnt buy. No $.$ LOLS. The end for sat~~~~~ Sunday, went to laogong's house early in the morning o.o Bought laptop over and play audi. Realise kiki is really sick, we decided to bring her to the pet lovers. Went thr, stone for 2 hours at bugis-.-'' The vet arrives later, looked at her. Urine irritation he said. Laogong spent over 100 bucks for their new cage, disinfector,food.. blah blah.. Its a pretty little cute pink double decker cage xD Seen kimo climb up xD Laogong is officially broke -.-'' Monday had a huge quarrel with laogong. He kip making me angry =( Was so upset. Turned out fine later. YTD was sushi day! We went to get the materials and made sushi!! Its so fun=) The temaki we made taste really nice ^^ Although the only filling was crabmeat. Feeling so lonely now. Labels: Journal
Thursday, May 6, 2010
05/05/2010 kiki's bday xD Kiki =) =) * loves loves* Laogong bought another hammy ytd! Her name is Kiki xD She is so cute! So small and adorable *hugs hugs* She is inside the cage with kimo now xD Seems like kimo has raging hormones and wants to rape her anything o.o She screams. Sometimes she even scream when kimo is near yet though kimo didnt do anytime @.@ Weird hammy =P Kiki is the exact same breed as kimo and harwny T.T I miss him T.T Laogong updated their house too o.o Now they have a 'Im hungry' dish to store food. And a rabbit's hole to hide in. The thing is, if they are stuck inside, we cant save them -.-'' The opening is too tiny. He went sign up as Petlover's VIP O_O Haha?^^ Woke up at 6am today. Someone being paranoid abt ghost and switch on the lights the whole night *eeks* Went to have breakfast with 5 yima, 6 yi ma, milly jie, Ahji jie, CC ge, and trevor kor kor o.o Of cos tgt with my mum as well. We gathered for the cremation ceromony. Wasted much time due to the jam, but we reach there eventually on time. Or early enough to listen to a monk's talk. Ive always have high respect for them till TODAY. He seems to be opposing the taoism. So provoking. I tot they are not suppose to do this o.o LOLS. Anyways after the ceremony, i went home, and went to have lunch with laogong, and friend -.- Went to his house, accompany him to haircut. Which is at kallang o.o walking distance to my house =P Then had dinner with his family, near my house o.o Playing audi and noob like shyte, decided to slp now =D Oh yes, I totally dislike guiyi's jie jie husband(finacee or BF watever). Let his whole family bankrupt. Then let him get Diabetes. Ambutate his arm and legs. Get laugh by ppl.(Nobody is gonna pity him) And let him tio cancer. Suffer and die horribly. YAY!!=) Im not evil. Im just hopping watever he did to guiyi jie jie will 3x back to him.WHEN... Things he've done? 1) Hospital visit her?---Once in a week 2) She in operation room?--- Didnt bother to wait for her 3)She has only few hours left?--- Doesnt care abt it and laugh and smile with his family. 4)She died?---At home slp happily, waiting to get her (yi chan)$.$ 5)Her funeral?--- Sit there and act like a clump of wood.Did not help. 6)Funeral Rite at cremation centre--- Did not even pray when the monk ask for her family to pay respect the last time. 7)Viewing hall--- Didnt shed even 0.000000000001ml of tears.Stand at the second row. 8)Ending of ceremony--- Laugh and smile ^^ Leave her photo thr for some1 to collect. THIS KIND OF PERSON, JUST ROT THE WAY U DESERVE TO BE. Im sure guiyi jie jie will be happy tat way too=) My ah khoon.. better not disappoint me. Or else... * smirks* I know he wont. He is too different from the useless man=) I think tat man doesnt even bother wat we think abt him, its not like we meet him often or he is our family( never regard him as one). May he be punished=) Best is let him kena some illness let him want die cannot die and in pain. Then its retribution!! Labels: Journal
Monday, May 3, 2010
Attended the funeral ytd.
It was a simple buddhist funeral. Went with wei jiang, sze min. It was so quiet tat we are the only kids thr. Should have went at night since there will be more ppl. I knew it would be kinda boring so i bought UNO and played thr. Ytd i called Nafa and asked for my entrance test result, and im enroled!=) Elated xD Ops. Ytd morning daddy bought me breakfast^^ First time daddy bought me breakfast. Last night he ask wat i want to eat, i said fishcake. In the end he bought a ham-.-'' But its alright^^ So noob in audi tat i decided not to play, so i woke szemin up and settled kimo and choppy, took bus 2 and went to the funeral. Kiang uncle sent us back home, khoon came at 4 plus. Slept tgt till 8 plus whr daddy came back with dinner =) Then he went home. Im too exhuasted and fell asleep way before he wanted me to xD Sorry laogong~ Laopo too tired =( Just woke up ^^ Decided to find a part time job and work for a month~ Labels: Journal
Saturday, May 1, 2010
My ear piece spoil T.T
Just a short one =(
Feeling lonely and bored. Played audi just now Spoil my own ear piece. Terrible haix. Laogong is slping and i shouldnt disturb. He is sick, and should rest. Nobody pei me T.T Labels: Journal Pendy is always right !!
Ytd, its beltane, fire festival=)
Im suppose to attend the celebration. I end up in gui yi sister's house. She is down with cancer. Only a few hours to left. ( Tats what i heard from when im still at home at 10am) Everyone is worried, and CCG sent me, my mum, and sabrina jie jie there. First time i visit her. It wasnt tat bad looking. Not like those times when i go to the hospital and feel so upset. She is not in pain, as long nobody touches her. My first thought is, she had bolster or something on her tummy. The last thing i would expect is her tummy bloated. She had very very short hair due to kimotherapy. However, she still looks pleasant to me =) Her breathing is hard and deep. They are constantly chanting in her room, hoping to get Buddha reduce her pain. Oh i heard tat its x7 times the pain. So a gentle pat would hurt her tremendously. She didnt open her eyes throughout. Maybe she is in comma. The others are talking to her. I wanted to, but wat can i say? Im not close to her, and doesnt want to appear hypocritical. Then i was asked to chant along. Since i appear to be the only one not crying o.o Im not being cold hearted, but i know its her time up yet today. In fact, i hope it is... so she wont be in pain anymore T.T Anyways i said the same inscription abt 100 times or so, i doubt it will work. Im not a believer o.o I asked pendy trice, and it says most likely its today. Not ytd. I couldnt feel how the others feel. But i felt wat her fiancee felt. Not more sorrow from him... Haix.... anyways i was sent home by trevor. Too drained and fell asleep. Couldnt wake up even though he is here. I dragged him to bed instead. LOLS. We both slept until 9 plus. Had dinner. Audi till just now. |