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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Friday, April 30, 2010
A Story Of The Foolish Traveler Once upon a time, there is a traveler. He always put on a smile on his face for everyone. One day, he stepped into a village, An old lady came forward and said:' Sir sir!! Please save me.. my son is sick and i need money to buy him medicine...' The traveler is very sympathetic of the old lady, and he handed all his money over. With the smile on his face, he said:' Be happy, be happy..' More and more people came forward to him one by one.. asking for help. 'Sir sir!! please save me... im in debts and if i dont return.. they will kill me...T.T' 'Sir sir!! Please spare me some money... my family haven eaten for days..T.T' Nobody knows whether these people are really in need, or they are just swindlers. He didnt ask. The only thing he did was believe. When he had no more money left, he gave away his hat. When he had no shoe on, he gave away his clothes. 'Be happy, be happy' And he smile. The traveler had nothing left on him. Bare naked he went to the forest. Inside the forest, a troll came to him.. and asked for his arm. One by one, he gave up his limbs to the monster that asked him for help. Sympathetic of their situations, he smile and said the same thing. 'Be Happy, Be happy'. By the time the last monster in the forest came to him , he lost his body and wats left was his head. The monster asked for his eye, and he gave him. Eating up his eye, the monster said:' Since u are so nice to me, i'll give u a present!' The monster throw a piece of paper on the ground, with the word 'fool' on it. He left. The traveler has no eye to see anymore... he didnt know what was given to him. The traveler is so touched by the monster and he weeped. 'This is the first time someone gave me a present... thank u so much.. be happy be happy.' Even without eyes, his tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. Then.. he died off slowly. At first, i laugh at him. How can anyone be so stupid.. but as i quiet myself down... i began to think. Is he really foolish? Or the ppl who laughed at the story...? Labels: Journal 2012. Are we all gonna die?
I often regard life as something tat is to come and has to come. Of cos, all things happens for a reason. I was feeling bored and suddeny the 2012 end of the world thing came to my mind. What is it exactly? As i was researching on it... my eyes went @.@ And i know i wont get any answers out of it LOLS. Hm... do u believe? I dont=) I choose not to. LOLS. Its kinda stupid tat u know u are gonna die and u carry on living happily o.o EVERYONE! STOP BUYING CARS!! THEY GIVE U 10 years warranty but so?-.- u only have 2 years to live-.-'' Its kinda ridiculous. Becos only the mayan calander ends and it says its doomsday. How abt lunar calender?-.-'' Some more... are we gonna die faster as chinese? Since lunar calender is 1 year faster? o.o So lugi Haha. It says earth is gonna collide with another planet flying towards us in the milky way. What if it really happens? *Takes plaster for earth*
I dont even know why im writting this. I must be out of my mind. Anyway, laogong gave me a surprise today. He woke me up from my beauty slp at 6pm-.-'' if im not pretty, im gonna crush him xD But isnt it nice, he came to find me... slping.=.='' Then we had dinner, and slept together on my bed=) Yay i finished fruit basket!! In the end, rooster and horse didnt appear afterall =( It ended abruptly. But its okay=) I love the middle of the story, and at least, nothing bad happen. But a review, i feel said for akito... he was born the head of the family.. being the root of the zodiac curse. And he is born to die. Imagine the day u are born, u are told when u are gonna die. Fate is fooling around...T.T ops stomach pain now =( Labels: Journal
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New method~
Today i'll try blogging in a new style=) LOLS.
Its just another boring day... so bored tat i cant find anything to do, and im too tired to do anything. Not physically tired, but emotionally. Seems like thr is really nothing for me to do.. and life is just so annoying. I went to do some research abt more wiccan things, hope i know more... maybe right now, i can just continue to gather info abt rune reading, and copy down on my book of shadows. I miss laogong alot. And alot is alot. Labels: Journal
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Im super frustrated after watching a film-.-'' Its a movie casted by Hu ge( Love love love x10000 x infinity), Ah sa, and wu zun. The movie title is called jian die( Sword butterfly) Super sucks!! Why am i blogging abt this? Becos at the end of the clip, i read the comment posted by those ppl who watched it too. There is a major dispute between Hu Ge fans( yay me!!), and the stupid wu zun fans.The only reason i watch this damn show its becos Hu Ge is acting in it. And who knows, he only appears shortly once in a while!! Thats not all, the Wu Zun, which is the main lead cant even pronounce words properly. For god sakes, its ancient chinese sword fighting show! Not come out pose pose act shuai( he is not shuai-.-) and neglect the acting part! most importantly... Hu Ge is acting as the bad person T.T Its alright! he did a great job too=) A princely bad person =) Wu zu should go back to his country and farm vegetables. The director of the show is super not creative. The ending is totally the SAME as romeo and juliet. So tell me wats new!!!! Plus, Hu Ge should be the great hero. He is more suitable and looks more shuai!! HMPH! Stupid wu zun fans! he cant sing, cant act, cant dance, got not looks and full of tattoo on his body. When Hu Ge is casting Gu Zhuang show, he is still learning chinese! *angrys* Hu Ge is the best=)
LOUSY LOUSY SHOW. Rewind Time...
Let me speak of what ive done for the day. Khoon and i met to play pool. After not meeting him for 2 days, it feels so great to see his smile so close. I think i can only use 'Absence makes the heart fonder' to express that phenomenon. We went to have suki sushi first, and pool next. Im not much of a billard fan , just a person who accompanies. Khoon is really improving time after time. Maybe its becos im noobing and he is playing with me. God knows. What i know is... im really exhuasted and i need some sleep soon. Gave a few big big yawns infront of the billard crowd. Spoils the image but it makes me feel a little more enegetic. Merely 1 hour of game, we ran out of the shop and head home. I got knocked out once i hit the pillow xD had dinner below my block =) Khoon's house has no much options and is not cheap . LOLS. Stingy joy ^^v Alright im still enjoying life. Oh.. hmm.. am i? -.- Just to free to be enjoyable. Im finishing the series of 'tian long ba bu' yeah its interesting=) Ive always find ancient shows ineteresting LOLS. Im thinking of what to do next xD
Labels: Journal
Monday, April 26, 2010
Post which is suppose to be YTD's:
Once again im on the bus. Sunday is so much better becos thr are lesser early birds, which means the bus can travel faster and i reach khoon’s house in a shorter time xD Khoon wants me to blog abt ytd, whr i took 64 again, and i met a stalker/rapist/ weird guy on the bus. Yeah looked awfully suspicious and he acts terribly strange. He aboard the bus, stared at me and want to sit next to me. But there are so many sits available as i look around, i ignored him and he sat directy infront of me. He kept turning his head around and tot i didn’t notice everytime i sms or wasn’t concentrating. Yeah he definitely have smth up his sleeves. I didn’t care much until i started getting annoyed by the number of times he turn his head back and look at me when im totally aware of it-.-‘’ Arg as im reaching khoon’s house, i took out my wallet and he *prepares-to-leave-the-bus* action. I press the bell and step out of my seat before i was suppose to alight. He followed behind me. But sadly, its not my destination yet, and if he doesn’t alight here, its very obvious he is following me. Yes so i got rid of the stalker xD Omg im getting headache. Shall blog later. The bus is abit too fast and shakey. Today: Notihng special to mention and im so bored right now. Cant wait for NAFA to send me the stupid letter and get my pay and give laogong-.- Plus i want to start work soon. KNS. Feeling super pissed off recently. No apparent reason but im just being complacent. Haix. Im gonna watch my show now.oh.. and i want to change my blog skin. And i dont feel like talking to anyone now. Labels: Journal
Friday, April 23, 2010
Im married to laogong in audi ytd =) hahahas xD We are so compatible and we synchronised and cleared the sync mission( Which is the hardest to pass request) in the first 5 bars xD Arent we great~ But speaking of which, the wedding party is so grand and cool =) And yes finally had he successfully keyed in the @cash he bought . Asiasoft is so... *speechless*. Anyways hahas yay i wont forgot we got married on the 22nd april. The day whr laogong proposed to me in front of my friends xD He is so cute. Anyways he booked free 14 ytd night and i bought inter 2 now xD No wonder he win me in spamming cause his mouse is easier to click! The channel i book was today, friday, which is supposingly harder to get since there are lots of ppl slping late. Anyways congrats me !! =) im officially married!
Alright back to today, hmm... woke up in the morning at 11.30 =) Went to meet verene!She was on the phone and my first impression for her is like...-.-'' But who knows she is so close to get to! And she is hyper and nice. Just a little shy and embarrased like some1 i knew *laughs*--- YY. Hahahas xD But she got a sudden call and gtg before we even get to know each other well xD I talked to her most. LOLS. She even gave me the *save me please* look when vie *force* her to play and take the cue xD hahahas. Didnt betray vie and laogong=) I pretend i didnt know xD LOLS! I think i improved didnt i? But laogong improve even more ^^ But i look more cool when i pose V^^V BUT POOL IS SUPER EXPENSIVE LA. NEXT TIME DONT ASK ME GO LE T.T im only gonna entertain if its monday -thursday before 4pm xD Come on! its 4.80 VS 12.80 -.- and playing the same thing!!! ARG. So heartpain the $.$ Although its laogong's money but still.... haix. LOLS. Yeah so.. we had sushi again! =) Muacks! Sushi are the best but my jellyfish is just not rolling over-.-'' Anyways i had fun today. I played a serious pool game with laogong, didnt lose tat badly xD Hahahas xD Then we went home to slp, it was alrdy going 5 pm. I woke at 8-9 plus cant rmb. LOLS Book channel, now im home tagging alone-.-'' vie is stoning, laogong is on his way home. Lets hope he reach soon okay?! FFT: Horny's been away for exacty 4 months now. I feel so depressed everytime i think of him. Haix... when is joy gonna get over death? =( Im so scared to even imagine ppl around is gonna die before my eyes one day. What can i do...? Labels: Journal
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Something is wrong somewhere o.o Life's been harsh on me today. Normally i dont feel like waking up early for anything except for laogong. I sort of forced myself to wake up this morning due to a meeting with carol. But when i knew she didnt reply to my messages, i knew i wont be seeing her AGAIN. The 2nd time she stood up on me. I decided tat it should be the last time we would arrange for a meet up. Since she didnt came for the 2 times she is suppose to be. First time clark quay, now DG. God must love her alot. Why? Based on my temper and impatience, i would be screaming to her like mad. To my own surprised, i wasnt tat angry at all o.o I even said its alright. LOL?! Am i always so nice to ppl? =P But well... it was planned to meet khoon for pool today xD $4.80/hr is so much cheaper than weekends counting at 12 bucks++. Anyway i caught lots of attention today. ( Sorry im just too hot!! =P) And thankfully all the guys in the lift saw me going up to 8th floor and coming down to 4th floor again-.-'' It shifted to 4th floor. LOLS!! xD Such a disgrace o.o And thats not all.. when im finally rdy to open the pool table, the admin lady went to the bathrm-.-'' So i had to stone somewhr at the cushion until my hubby arrive. Thankfully he made is quick=D At least not tat slow tat would make me cry since my day is awful enough. LOL. We finally started playing and he taught me how to aim at different angles. Bet he improved too. Of cos i did, and gratefully, he didnt start rambling abt my hand posture xD LOLS. He always does =P Fat fingers xD Was hungry and we went suki sushi!! The moment we are entertained, that assitant said :'' Just to inform u all, the 'saolmen' we have are all out of stock." Im like... " oh.... salman?" She replied..:" Yes, Saolmen." Then i go again:" Its salman". LOL! Didnt expect her to ignore me so i repeated a few times until laogong laugh at me-.-'' What stuborn ppl!! TSK. yeah we had a great day and we eat almost equal amount xD Im so happy=D LOL! Sushi is one of my all time favourite xD LOLS. After lunch was 7-11. He planned to buy @cash to get married with me in audi =) We knows we met a few rude assistant and we bought the wrong card-.-'' LOLS. Glad we realise it when we are just out of 7-11. After a few mins, we finally bought the 20k card-.-'' 10k is out of stock. Haix. On our way home, it showered xD It was quite cooling to slp for a moment so we slp till... 7!!!!! And now as we are abt to get the stupid damn card into asiasoft.. its giving trouble again!! Wat a day! =(
Labels: Journal
Monday, April 19, 2010
yawns im so tired xD Physically not mentally though. And its not becos im lack of sleep. Just that carrying a baby is tiring=D LOLS!! Jkjk xD Sometimes i should entertain myself like dat ^^ Or my friends who reads abt my life as i blog =P If not my blog would be boring as usual. Okay. This morning i asked my lovely little green pendy whether i will get into Nafa xD And im happy with the reults. Hope it wont disappoint me lo! Ytd a friend of mine is in deep shit and wanted to borrow money. LOLS! I cant even feed myself -.-'' haven get my pay and all. Haix. I doubt it would be alot. But honestly if i get the money i would borrow her de. Now wat i can only do is to help her tarots lo. At least tarots can give her the best advice anyone can give=D Payroll window is on the 20++ this month then i can get my pay. Haix. Actually wanted to pay off my depts de. But her is more urgent! So if i receive my pay, and she is still in need, i'll do what my instincts tells me..... IGNORE HER. JKJK xD of cos i will lend=) Oh yeah... i applied for a job=D As a tuition teacher for primary sch students=D And which subjects am i teaching? Math of cos! LOLS xD Chinese la =P Waiting for the parent's reply. The conversation on the phone sounds pleasant xD
Ytd supposingly not meeting laogong. Met in the end for pool. Dressed up nicely becos of a misundersanding. ARG. LOLS. Its okay=D Been long since im the centre of attention for many men xD Once in awhile give me some approaches xD *flips hair* Yeah we met out for pool game-.- LOLS right? I wont vienna!! Once -.-'' in a blue moon without cheating =) Hahahas xD We had macdonalds until 10 plus at night. Head back home and sleep at 2 plus. Had a bad night tossing and turning due to the blood flow =( uncomfortable ="( Labels: Journal
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Grats me=D Currently in Top weekly story dancer. Thanks and credits to laogong^^he will credit someone else if necessary xD he is 3rd now=D But i believe he will soon win me ^^ Im chiong-ing story for leveling up my account too ^^ going to lvl in abt 50 more percent. Another good news, laogong and i finally decided to get married. So he went to get asiasoft pw from his friend and he got it. Whats left is to buy @cash and we can step in the wedding hall. I promised vie vie tat she would be the first person im gonna invite to the wedding^^ Next, my friend is currently trying to get over her ex and making good progress till now!! Cheers!! Vie vie also had her new hope flushing into her life^^ Seems like everything is going on well. Alright no more lagging for me becos weijian is not using his lappy anymore=D And my dad is at home but doing something else i dont know and i dont care?xD While i have some peace, i enjoy my lag-free time. Yawns ytd i was strike with a question from laogong. He asked: 'Let say if one day, we end up with a devastating quarrel, which is also impossible to patch things up, who will i look for to share my sorrows/ anger?" actually ive never tot of it before. So... i'll kip thinking abt this=D until i found my answer. Never tot tat my life would end up without him or something.. LOLS xD
Labels: Journal
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Life is like a roller coaster ride. Ups and downs are elements that makes life interesting and meaningful. Recently i had too much news from my friends hearing about breakup-thrend all over. This friend of mine fell out of love becos they guy fall for another. She is lucky the guy is honest with her and all, but its a breakup afterall, so she is kinda depressed. Dont worry girl! When one door closes, 2 windows open. U are still young so need not worry abt relationship right now. Take some time, be single, be free! And who knows u might just realise the person sitting behind u in class might be the one u end up with in ROM =D The thing abt single is... u get to choose and make ur choice out of million stuborn animals and start over again from the admiring level of love. Isnt that wonderful? xD Right now, u can continue to take note of that guy who left u, make sure he is doing badly ( Ops xD), and spy on others which might be ur next target=D Rmb to always, make friends first. Start from the first step and things wont go wrong easily=D Time will prove everything. The guys, love, char and personality. Good luck!^^
Things for me are going on fine, took my nafa's entrance test today. Im not sure if im considered creative but well.. i had some ideas in my collage. To my relief, i dont have to draw much but thanks vienna anyway for making a visit to teach me basic sketching. Muacks ^^ Art is a fun thing, i didnt draw but i colored the background synchonizing one of the themes xD Soon i realise time is up. U dont know how fast time flies when u concentrate. And the last thing i realise is that i had glue all over me pants. Making it look like its been kept in the cabinet with spider webs-.- Khoon is really awesome he found audi hack right after the recent patch the day before ytd xD and we played audi.. earn dens. Fam house is not completed but soon it will be!! =) Its exciting itsnt it? But i got frustrated after noobing and noobing. Haix. Cabbed home today xD Thanks laogong=D I love u! Oh ya... laogong ask me why i didnt post this " he picked out a card from tarots after asking what element he is" its not very hard to guess considering he is a heater... JUDGEMENT--- fire ^^ Labels: Journal
Friday, April 9, 2010
Its a raining day today. With my butt rooted to the seat of bus 64, im typing an entry for the blog. I don’t really like to take bus to khoon’s house. But it would be more trouble to walk to the mrt with showers of blessing. Recently there is really nothing to blog abt. Life is dead boring, with unpleasant omen. I don’t know how long this period is gonna last. Cross fingers i find something to do soon=D There is no internet connection here, so i just have to type in Microsoft office and save it to transfer later xD
My sleeping hours are kind unstable so i woke up at 2am ‘last-last’ night and played audi. Got angry with khoon. Dont wanna elaborate abt these unhappy things becos i don’t wanna kip a memory of it anywhr, not even B’ drive. But honestly if u say im frustrated and irritated, its more of upset. He ride his bike to my house. I was surprise for the second i saw him. Cant bear to see him cry. T.T its a specialty for women not men anyway-.- Actually i would get less angry very soon and its an unnecessary trip but sincerity counts=D Love love* Tgt, we had breakfast and went to his house shortly after. We met with Vienna at somerset again o.o Not too bad location. They wanted to watch movie ( How to train ur dragon) but i tot its too expensive if its 3D and i can watch it online which its free. xD Sorry abt being so computer savvy hahas =D So in the end we sat at KFC and did tarots + pendulum. Vienna was at first dissatisfied about her pendulum, thinking it might be inaccurate. As she tested out her pendulum with people sitting next table, she is actually gained back her confidence=D Yeah. LOLS. Its quite funny when we approach the kids beside us xD Stupid khoon is so shy!-.-‘’ Speaking of which, i had this feeling about him starting to believe in these tarots and stuffs when he sees us do it many times =D Once 4 of us ( including nv er) picked the same freaky card. Then we walked to DG and he bought me sushi!! xD Wanted to have sakae sushi but haix nvm=D Make do with it. We sat down again at starbucks and carry on the readings. LOL. Then i feel stressed abt the entrance test in nafa. Haix. Why is my art so sucky-.- Not talented. Anyway im not sure if Vienna is coming to teach me drawing today or not=D Dont know why i feel this but i think Vienna and khoon is more compatible =( My feelings are never wrong but this time i hope i am. Haix. Anyway Vienna met her spirit guide O.O I think i cant =P Cause i fail to concentrate and cant meditate LOL!! Too distracted. This morning i woke up and 5am. With empty stomach, i cmi for audi and might as well be a loser that leaves the game when i miss fm xD Haha. I tried to meditate too. I think its more of being able to visualise. Its not easy okay-.- Its my first time and i gave myself a pass =P LOL!! So shameless xD Okay.. for the first min or so.. i tried to kip myself from having any thoughts.. after that i tried to visualise anything that my thoughts bring me to. So the first thing that came into my mind is a patch of grassland with me standing there.Im sure i look pretty xD Although i cant really see my own face, just knowing tat its me. Its not difficult to feel the natural breeze around me, or at least visualise it. Its so stress free and relaxing. And im sure ive never came across that place in my life before, or in any shows ive watch. ( or else my visualisation would be seireitei =P) LOLS. Its just a sub conscious realm. SO don’t mind the minor details. Being in the scene is easy but being able to maintain it there is HARD. I tried to gather the 3 sense. See, hear and touch. Then as i walk straight in the grassland, i see something bright, but not irritating bright. I just allow myself to follow my instinct and walk forward. Im trying hard to see whats the symbols on the door. But its so blurry. The door opened by itself and as i walked in, what surrounds me changed. It feels like im in a place of natural habitat and all, and wats right infront of me is a waterfall. So cool xD And there is a faint figure but as i step forward towards it to see its face, or even tell its gender, it disappear and i thought its time for me to wake up from the inner world. Im afraid tat if i don’t walk back, i will stay there forever-.- So i walked back. As i walk, the things behind me turned blank. And i woke xD Hahas Im reaching soon. So.. i’ll save and continue online =D Ytd i found out why laogong is such a heater-.- becos he is fire element xD Told u he is not air alrdy =P noob! hahaas xD PS: blih blih blih... its a secret code xD Labels: Journal
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Life's been pretty hard itself. Didnt expect things to turn out this way.. but in anycase, i accept the fact that everything happens for a reason. Darling's so tired now. Sleeping soundly. Im not sure if i should wake him up as instructed. Hm.. movie's most probably off. So ironic. Previously i was still upset abt how the decided on the movie without asking for my opinion. After i agreed to it, vienna's not sure if she wants to leave house. So thats that. Sometimes i just feel that im so tired. mentally tired even though i slept for a long hours . Ive even came to the conclusion that its better for me not to wake up. I dont know how i would describe my life right now. Its not boring since im playing audi, hanging out, and yet its not fufilling to just play games. I dont even know wat i want right now. Maybe im not used to being on a holiday for such a long time. I kinda missed touching some books. Lets pray that the admin test would be a success... Cant wait to start sch.
Labels: Journal
Im not in a very good mood to blog today and i dont want to mention why. Its not appreciated when people tend to step on my toes when im feeling moody. Which applies to every connection i have. Im trying to know why every hack doesnt work on this damn lappy. Its just wasting my time and i SO DONT LIKE IT. *Sigh*
Alright my ideal fam house-- pyramid. I tot this is the only one that dont feel so little compared to the other 10m houses. Nobody is working hard to get the hacks except for me and the last thing i want to hear is discouragement. Shut up and get a life! Labels: Journal
Monday, April 5, 2010
Meet with lumch early in noon. At around 12.30pm=D Didn't expect myself to be even early since I'm always late =P The morning is really awful like nauseous and back ache are just making me as uncomfortable as it should had been. Lumch suggested we had swensons. Seems its much cheaper than normal when its 1-for-1. So each of us paid abt 9 dollars only=D Been so long since i last met her ^^ being out with her is as fun as usual=D She went to get her ear pierced later in bugis street. Haha!! Dont understand why people like holes on their body o.o Nvm then^^ But she is one of those kind that wants to pierce but afraid o.o LOL!! Thats cute xD Then we went to shop around in bugis and met up with vienna. Soon, khoon came too^^ So at least it wont be so awkward for me to stuck in the middle. We went to the pagan shop since vienna wants to get some candles for herself. Silver candle, its rare to find. I got myself pendulum=D Dont want to let him pay for me ^^ Not the impression that i ask him over from tiong is just to pay for my stuffs =D I really wanted to meet him.
One of the best times today was at coffee bean. All of them got themselves some drinks except for me =P Im not thirsty^^ We start of with pendulum, double checking our answers since we have 2 pendulums here. Lumch seems interested=D But khoon seems rather disturbed when the answers towards his question is not that satisfactory. ( as in do i still have feelings for ice) Trust me or not, its up to you=D Next we proceed to tarots. its kinda amazing when we and vienna aimed for the same card yet again. But the most miraculous thing is that in the next round, all 4 of us got the same card!! Isnt that cool? hahahas =) And we even invent our own spread xD And lumch question, although we all had a different card, it appears to be a spread too=D yeah after we are dismissed, im unusually tired so i went home to sleep while khoon has a family dinner. I thought i lost my pendulum xD But thats wat i thought =P Labels: Journal
Sunday, April 4, 2010
O.o Today is the qing ming festival. I went to the temple( or watever that place is), and met my Aunts anc uncle from my father's side. LOLS. We lost our way going there as usual xD Daddy never fails to waste extra fuel =) But gladly we made it there eventually. Didnt realise it was so near laogong's house. Its at depot road. ( I get to know it later xD Will elaborate on that behind)The first thing i did is to follow my parents, took the inscense, cant rmb how much we are suppose to take, so we just took 12 sticks each. by the time i finish lighting up all my inscense, my mum alrdy went up the stairs to bai the 'tian gong' and i couldnt catch up. Then they didnt tell me wat to do.. so i just did an estimation or how many inscense to put at each altar. Then in the end i dont know why but ive got 2 inscense less than my mum and my dad has 4 inscense less than me o.o and my mum has one inscense less than normal xD LOLS its a major screw up. My dad pass me his inscense as he light new ones, while i place all the 10 inscense inside an altar and realise its a wrong altar. Arh forget it-.- Hahas yeah its funny how my math could betray me here. But who cares xD Yup and then i went home to slp, and audi and here i am blogging. Yawns. Although im not tired. And i finish all the conan episodes available. So sian now xD laogong is super lame. He is recording his voice and showing us and asking me why im laughin-.-
Labels: Journal
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today is april' fool!! And more importantly... its our 10 month aniversary!! How nice isnt it? And how fast time flies... and this morning ive brought him breakfast=D No sure if its becos of april fool, heaven is manking fun of me?! Like making me meet his aunt and mother-.- Yawns. Then we are an hour late meeting vienna o.o Poor vienna waited for a long time =( The swimming complex is so cool! Its like a mini wild wild wet with slides and wave river and lazy pool! Not only are the lockers cheap, the float rental as well! its like 2 dollars for a float=D And the entrance for us is like.. 80 cents? xD First we went to slack at the lazy pool, which is not much of a slack becos laogong lost his specs in the water in the first half an hour! While playing with me xD Then we had a pool search, borrowed goggles from ppl around us.. i went like for a round with it but to no avail. Pass the goggles to vienna and she found the specs in like less than a min-.- Argh T.T Im such a failure =( But anyway laogong smiled again when he saw the specs appear infront of him again xD LOLS. He smile so cute xD Vienna and i played the shortest and 'fun-est' slide! Yeah. Laogong insist on not playing! So sad he miss the fun. But im sure laogong has a reason so i didnt insist too =) I prefer the slide with the float becos water dont rush into ur nose when u land! yeah the wave pool is fun and i have to admit that laogong is so tall! He pushed me and vie to the boundary^^ yeah in fact we had lots of fun. The best thing is.. the bathroom is clean.. and the water is warm. After that we had pizza hut's baked rice. Was super full xD Yeap went to bugis pagan shop after tat. Vienna bought pendulum=D And laogong bought my runes! So nice of him=D Then we went to slp at his house till night time and came home ^^ Tmr's plan is not confirmed.. see how xD Alright kinda tired. Daddy's watching show so cant play audi well... see what i can do... sleep.. tired!
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