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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Why do i feel this way? =( Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live. Ytd was waken up early by joanna. Realise that her phone was stolen i tot to myself that im too inane to have trust that she is an irreponsible guy. Yeah, shouldnt have doubt my feelings afterall. So in the end i took her reason and i believed her=D She asked me to accompany her to all the taxi company to launch a complain regrading her stolen phone by the driver. Poor driver, if he gets caught thats the end of this job it think? Actually if its me i dont even go to that extend. The driver may have a reason for doing so. Who knows he have a mother in a critical condition and requires money desperatly. Things are unexpected right? As my father once told me:' Forget it if its lost, if it comes back to you, its ours, if it doesnt, it is not meant to be.' I tot the same way to myself. Anyway, it was a heavy downpour ytd and i got my shoe soak and u hate it because ur toes are so wet that it started to crumble up like an old lady. Eek!! Thats not all, we walked in the rain, even with the umbrella as a shelter, it doesnt seem to make things any better. my whole body is cold and shivering. Maybe its because i had a flu in the morning, and this arent helping. Joanna borrowed my phone to call the 6 taxi company. So.. guess my phone bill for this month. Yes im stingy=D But i still lent her. So dont complain about me. Besides i have to go work later. The most funny part is, we went to singtel shop to demand a suspension of her phone line wearing a starhub shirt. We had to tolerate the looks of people and carry on with what we are doing. LOLS. We totally made a fool out of ourselves i suppose!! Then we went to meet khoon. Nothing special except for he kip asking me why im irritated. Which adds on to my irritation. U know i dont like people to irritate especially not when im alrdy fed-up enough. Anyway, at this rate. How far can we go?I kept thinking. You see,there are a few points that we should take consideration on: 1) meeting each other everyday will make me feel normal when im with him. It makes nothing special anymore. 2)The tendancy to treasure him goes down because its too ordinary for u to see him. 3) I dont think i need to report about my whereabouts everytime to anyone. Im free to go? 4) Planning ahead is good. But not when u think for every step and everything u tries to get hidden meaning on something negative. I mean, every relationship have fall backs. No people will experience a peaceful relationship like nothing is gonna happen to them. Humans are selfish and they think for themselves. No matter how noble the are, or how great they thought they can sacrifice for the other, when it comes to small things which seems insignificant, everything is revealed. 'I DID EVERYTHING TO MAKE U SMILE BUT U DIDNT EVEN TRY TO PLEASE ME IN ONE THING' Thats what i mean. Alvin and I tried to make each other our piority and the thing that went wrong is because he cares too much. Too much unnecessary things. Now im finally out of my restrictions from my family. It should be a time for me to finally earn some freedom. Relationships arent locks. They dont lock u tgt and let u do nothing. Its just like a handcuff. Being tied tgt by another person is a cool thing. They share lots of experiences tgt. But sometimes not every partner can take what the other partner likes. And if we tried everything and still cant reach a conclusion we should get the key. Thats not what i want T.T...But things like that affects a relationship.Yes you ask me whether i love you. Of cos i do. IF i dont, i would just out myself available for other guys alrdy. And if u want to question me any now and then, i would just find u irritating. Thats the way i am. I believe its yet another a charactor trait of typical virgo girls. They think the same way. I may be immature but im born with a brain for a reason.I like to argue for whats right but i admit it if im wrong. If u find me difficult to be with, by all means say it and we keep a distance. Trust is also very important. This morning i told u somehtings but u doubt it. If u doubt me, dont ask anything, go use ur brain or be smart enough to find out urself. Im really tired of trying to tell u how i feel abt this relationship. It would be pointless to carry on if we cant understand each other like we thought we do, or understand what its the best for us other than what we really want. So in any case, i think my 10 days to taiwan would be a good time for us to think for each other and of cos, i pray that when i return, things would be different. Love u loads~ Labels: Journal
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Time has a way of demonstrating that the most stubborn are the most intelligent. Somehow i differ. Im too stubborn that i started to hate myself for being such a whore. I dont understand why time and again i have to insist my stand which turns out to be wrong somehow but never seem to be learning from my mistake to take advice from others. Like for today, i kip insisting that two pin plug could work and it actually couldnt. Yup, so whats up with hat arrogance and confidence without a root as support? I dont even know where does it pop out from. So i thought it might be true to say that Ignorance is stubborn and prejudice is hard. Back to what shyte i did for the day. Its really enjoyable to be with laogong and to take a rest after being so busy from work, school, band. I just wanted to be totally out of this even though i know i cant. What wreck our day is of cause calls from customers. If its extra sales, i dont mind ot pick up and talk nicely. But its complains, which is not even my fault. Joanna is holding on to the invoice that has all the details in it. So now i have to be resposible for the sales that is not installed properly. Customers oftern, spoils ur day. I cant avoid it!! Im a sales person. So im really apologetic towards darling which is interrupted too often by calls involving work. Anyway, darling finally sorted out the games to be put inside the new psp he bought for me. How sweet isnt it?=D Too sweet for me!! xD I am alawys taking it for granted so please change the way i am. I really had fun playing it with him today. Thats all abt it... Hope tmr will be better. Nights joy! Labels: Journal
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My new Play station Portable !!<33 Laogong! One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind. Today is no doubt one of the busiest day ive been. Brought friends to road show. Report back with an duck egg. LOLS. Dont know what went wrong but just didnt make it=D Well, they got demoralised and i doubt they are coming for the next work session. I dont care anymore=D In fact i dont like people who give up that easily^^v But anyway, right after the road show that afternoon, i went to elias's current working pet shop=D The dogs there are cute. My main purpose however, is to get the psp khoon bought from him. Its really cool. Started to get my hands messed up with the casing and all on the mrt on my way to khoon's house. LOLS. In the end both of us gets messed up hahahas!! So funny=D Well, but also thanks to him i got to know on how to fix some of the problems next time i encounted. So we watch 'superbad' tgt through the psp, and we played the complimentary games called GOD OF WAR. I keep dying when the dinosuar kills me. LOLS. In the end khoon thought of a way to defeat it. Yay!!=D Then i came back home. Gonna steal some games from weiliang's psp. Cause i cannot take it that the dl-ing of the games i want is taking me 3 hours-4 hours. In any case. Im not working tmr=D LOLS!! Labels: Journal
Monday, November 16, 2009
I earn $145 today!! A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. Today i was awaken by calls from lumch. She called me at around 10 am, and we talked about alot of things, mostly involving the job she is gonna take. So at around 12, lumch,quanyin,yu jia, er chin, vivian, ek teck, justin and me, went to tampines, where they are holding a job interview. Upon reaching there, i notice something weird abt the name of the company. Its called "Recruit Express". So i realised its a middleman company where they run business by digesting people's labour. Yes i dont like this kind of company. In any case, they had interview. After that i prompt them to work in starhub with me, since there is road show and exhibition soon=D So other than er ching and his leopard friend, we all went to office. Just nice for me to take my cable tv invoice. Yes i brief them through the channels so they can be prepared for tmr's road show. Then vivian, justin and lumch left. Soon, khoon came=D Yay^^ Dont know whether he is really unhappy or he wants to act cool, he isnt smiling much=( Then me and quan yin and yu jia split into 2 teams to canvas the block im not done with ytd=D Its tiring cause not only i have to do my sales, i have to worry abt the 2 of them and check with the regularly in the 3 hours we are seperated. In the end ive got 4 sales( 1 recontract, 1 clean, 2 churns) and they have 1 clean as well. So tgt we have 5=D Hahahas. Yes, in the same block=D Hahahas. Then i helped them push up one tier which is 10 dollar extra for them.^^v Yes totally busy and i doubt i would be any free-er tmr. Labels: Journal
Sunday, November 15, 2009
If only i have the 25th hour.. it would be time with you.. What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to the love within us. What a busy day today. Was almost late for my appointment with lumch. He forgot to wake me up this morning as promised. Maybe thats the reason why my human alram got me late. Anyway i went for a rebornding for my fringe for 1.5 hours and went to have lunch at his's uncles stall. Apparently the uncle didnt know he is there so he get to his wish granted-- to pay for our meal. Next i rushed off to jamming. Its been long since i join everyone as vocals. Its really cool to be back there, do all i want. They got a surprise for me!! *drums roll...* TONY TONY CHOPPER'S PLUSH TOY!!~~~ Its just too shocking to be true!! Thanks band!!=D Speaking of which, Elias brought his psp for me to have a look. Yes he is selling his limited edition Deep red God of War at 300. Didnt bargin as i see its in a real good condition( as perfect as brand new). Khoon paid for it=D Yes no doubt i wanted to share the price with him=D So once i get my pay the first thing to do is to return him money=D Take it as a loan my dear. Charge me interest so i wont feel guilty for spending even before i got my pay. So yes ive got a psp!! Cant wait to collect the full set from elias on tuesday. Sales today is easy as well. Got 80 bucks in one hour and head home. I promise darling to head back as soon as my tier reach 50 bucks. Cause he is having a headache, cant make him run around the block with me=D Just realise time is really short. 24 hours a day is really not enough. How i wish i can be a robot that doesnt need rest. Then the rest of the time i will spend with my darling. I know it isnt fair for me to demand things in my wishlist. I know he will get it for me( just like the psp). I really want to do something he like, and that is, to accompany for very long time. Previously i was still complaining abt being tgt everyday will make us sick of each other soon. But now how i wish i can see his cute face on this lonely night! T.T Ive been a very unreasonable girlfriend i know, and being tgt with someone like me isnt easy. He tolerates me all along. I want to get him something he wants but i cant believe he lead his life so simple and the only thing he wants is for me to be happy. Why cant i just be as generous as he is? In Terms of time. Sometimes i really pray that he isnt that nice to me.. cause i know in my life.. i will never be able to be as nice to him as he is as nice to me. Sounds complicated but yeah.. thats about it. I just want to always rmb this moment where i miss him so much!!I love u darling...JoyLoveKhoon Labels: Journal
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Temptations Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before. It really pisses me off this morning when im so tired to be even awakened to travel to his house at 7. Received his morning call and pull up the curtians of my eye to dress up and leave house. I sleep at 3 last night, thats what explains. Anycase, i forced myself to take the mrt despite the stares from uncles that holds no good intentions. Its really annoying because im not wearing anything obseen or fanciful to deserve that. Then in the train, my contacts lens went out of place and what i see for the next 20 mins is the blur image of people moving around me. Thats not the worse part. I went into the shopping mall to borrow their toilet, who knows that only level 5 and 6 are available, making me running like a fool since level 1. I still cant get it fixed and my eyes start to tear. Thats when i threw the lenses back into the casing frustrated. Irritated to why he hasnt reach yet, i gave my first call. It hanged up abruptly. I tot it was a mistake made while picking up phone calls, it happens to me too. So its okay, i called the second time. This time it just redirected me to voicemail. Yes imagine why im on fire now. Then i waited like an idoit for him to appear, until he was late for 30 mins. Wanted to go home straight but im just worried something may happen to him, i hopped up the bus towards his house. Arrived, knock on the window in his rm, and there is welcome me with a sleepy eye. Yay!! Why shouldnt i be angry? Give me a good reason. Well, i tot i could stomp out with victory but i find that i wasnt that mad at all. Glad that nothing bad happen. Hmm.. forget it, too tired to think, jumped on his bed and fell asleep. Afternoon we had cheese baked rice, yummy. Been thinking of what to do. I hadnt get my pay yet but im so tempted to spend money. What should i do... oh yes. christmas is coming.. should write a note to santa... Dear santa: Im writting to you now because im afraid u read letters by a first-come-first serve basis. Personally, i think i have been a really good girl this year. It wasnt me that ate all the cookies the others baked for you last year. I swear it wasnt me so please dont get angry over it.I only ate 9/10 of it. Well, at least i DID left one for you. So please.... can i pleaseeee have a present this year?? Anyway, in case u 1)I want a puppy 2)I want lots of gigs 3)I want lots ot sales 4)I want a psp 5)I want to be the best girlfriend in the world 6)I want to enter a course i like See? Im not asking for too much right? So please grant my wish santa. I promise that i will be a good girl and leave u somethings for christmas this year!! I will be generous!! ... Instead of putting up smelly socks for you, ive decided to.. leave dog food around the house for you to come in from anywhere for it!! Its more expensive u know.. hope u will like it. With Love, JOY Labels: Journal
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th -I dont know why they call it heartbreak.Its seems like every part of ur body is broken too- Yet another methodical day. Things are not as nasty as it seems even though it is friday the 13th. This year we have the maximum number of months where 13 falls on friday. Most people will think that it is more or less badluck. I mean... " U dont just push the blame to this mythological date because people struck lottery today as well?" So much for saying that, today is just to horrible for sales. 1) Took much more effort to find the meeting point even with him around. 2) Started knocking only at eight 3)Been to a block designed for others and had to bunny hop with weiliang 4) Went into 4 houses not closing a single sales 5) Had a terrible quarrel with him LOLS. Its not that im being supersitious in believing in all these but somehow when logics doesnt work, feelings took over. Contridictly, things doesnt turn out that bad eventually. Being able to walk home smiling is one of the happiest moment in life. And then i realise, virgo girls especially, is one of the weirdest creatures in astrology. For me example, i really sympathise lots of people but i never seem to be genorous enough to share. I want to be loved and taken care of, but i dont want people to worry about me. I want my boyfriend to lecture me at times but i want to be the dominant party. Isnt that weird? Will be waiting to go for roadshow soon and earn big bucks. Psp is just being added to my to-buy-list. So good luck to me!! And wei liang. RMb that if i hit 45 sales, dont forget your promise!^^v Labels: Journal |