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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Monday, November 22, 2010
yay hit 3% sales today...
Although im already really satisfied with 2%... I really didnt want to close the last sales when the aunty said tat the products are too expensive. its like hmm... im feeling sympathetic. Well anyway... becos she bought the product, i hit my 3% commission. Not sure if im doing the right thing. Anyway... From the scratch! Jia min's chalet was really really fun! First time meeting nigel( whom he claims to be a prefect, but ive never seen him before) First time talking to wei sheng( whom looks familiar but never talked to in sch before) First time see-ing eric and mun hong since O lvls!( which is almost abt a year) First time celebrating jia min's bday.( kinda pathetic since we are suppose to be really good friends) Im the first to wish her happy bday when the clock strike 12. Almost the whole night we are talking into the topic of ghost stories. The worst worst part during the whole night is the spot check by the police. I quarreled with the police. Nothing really happened and is suppose to be a small thing. Dont know why the police and i get so aggitated over for o.o anyway i dont wish to elaborate anymore. I dont think im right, but he is definately wrong too. No point repeating it and... Anyway ya, i didnt know chalet was so fun=) And then idk why today i am so hardworking at work? I cleaned my bay, key profile card for the whole day and didnt slack at all o.o I even did a stunt in the 1m^2 store room, eating beef noodle soup. LOLS!! It wasnt a bad experience afterall =P Now tat im home, im gonna watch fairy tale or slp. tat depends hmm... tata, tats for today's journel xD Labels: Journal
Friday, November 19, 2010
Before i knew, its again a long time since i last blogged.
Hmm... ive finished watching Cupid no itazura, zettai kareshi, as well as hana yori dango. Im still in love with japan's culture and language. Nevertheless, i still think its cute. Before i forget... there was one day this month whr i had cramps, its a tuesday, guess its 10th? I was supposely gonna work at RRC( the branch tat i LOVE most) But the cramp is so bad tat i had to hide in the store room for half an hour before i decided i couldnt take it anymore, and had khoon to send me home. He was half way doing his favourite gym, he still came to fetch me to his house, and got me settled. Love him so much, despite the fact tat i always bully him =P The reason why i blogged today... is becos i got bullied at bugis today, during work. For your info, i had not heard anything from zhiling( real boss.. sort of) to say tat.. Full timer is BIGGER/ HIGHER RANK than part timer. Okay, so here is the long story. To cut it short, im working today becos one of the full timer took an MC. So while replacing her at work, i do not bear any sales target. My commision is double normal. Then i went in and receive the news and say tat ' i get to slack today.' 'cos i got no sales target' ' let the target bearer serve first' 'i just key profile card.' 'nobody say u cannot serve, but let the full timers serve first.' Then i was asked to key profile card. Im fine with it, after i finish wat im asked to do, i say... 'i want to hit 500 today.' she says:' hahas u wait lo, wait until we hit our target first.' Then she asked me to serve one customer. After tat when im doing paper work right after i close the sales, she came to me and say. 'I let u serve le, happy already?' and at 5pm, my sales was only at 100 plus, and she is at 400 plus. I greet the customer, she gave me a signal to say ' let me serve'. Im very disappointed. She closed the sales. And then at 6 plus, i had no choice becos my sales is so bad, not becos my customers didnt want to buy things from me, but becos i dont have the chance to serve. I stand at the door, talk to the kiehl's boys, at the same time, greet almost anyone who are a potential-looking customer, even when the didnt step in. After my sales hit 520, thr is a full timer lower than me, even though her trans are much higher.. I asked her to serve when thr is a customer. I think it is only fair this way. I dont like the work today.... I think bullying is a strong word and i dont want to use it... but isnt tat the case? Should i report it to boss? Hmm.... or am i too sensitive abt it? haix... im not talking shit becos i have 2 kiehls boys who saw everything... and i knew them for only today, they shouldnt have a reason why they should help me.. So haix... maybe i should report? Okay decided. I would. Labels: Journal
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Oh my god i want to say so many things in just a short post.
it is impossible.. LOLS! Okay, first, went to vivian's chalet.. Yup enjoyed my self with quan yin, lumch, taych and laogong=) Also met a 'cassanova' guy. Think i scared him LOLS!! We took alot of crazy photos as usual. Didnt really want to talk abt it since it wasnt good experience for a chalet. It would definately be better on jiamin's =) Im so sorry im not able to join quan yin for his bday celeb with the clique T.T And yeah, in a few hours imma have to go to sch and submit my work. it wasnt nicely done. but i wont fail either. I hope? xD Anyway ya... Daddy got me a new phone. Did i update tat already? its E5 nokia. Dont really know how to use until now... Just listening to songs, SMS, and call Finally add application for caller id. There is something wrong with the phone's memory details. So gonna bring it to repair tgt with qing qing. Im going to work after this, and so far, for this month, things have been going well. Either hit target, or short of a little.. though didnt hit target, im so happy to work thr!=) Met betram, no he is not a maly guy or indian guy. But wonder why he gets such a name. (racist me) =P Good new good news!!!!!! Kiki had puppies again ytd!! xD xD xD xD xD Khoon didnt get a good look at how many babies he had, But he panic, as i am =) Hurried to get a bigger cage and puts in alot of food. Hope we get some boys this time round... Since the first round its 4 girls and 4 girls only. Talking abt the 4 girls... Sumo is so FAT!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is obese o.o In any case ya, they are still feeding themselves and snatching over ALOT of food. Im going to sch to do binding o.o LOLS. honestly, my bookmark is badly made. Hmm...its okay, msg conveyed o.o Tats the main point. Just wanna holiday faster.... So many days to do.. and hopefully this day gets over quickly... I want to see the new born hammies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD Labels: Journal
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am officially using my new phone now.
It looks cool, and i had using it. Though this moening i couldnt even make any calls or sms bcos i dont know how to use damn nokia. Well, at least im getting the hang of it now. Went of early before the class is dismiss. Its just 10 mins hahas xD Anyway yup, i reached tamp at 12. First time working with janelle after so long. Seems like kiehls thr is still alot of ppl whom i dont know and have not met before. Takes time i think... Khoon went home after looking up for me for a lunch. Nice right?=) And the reason im blogging right now is becos... There is basically not a single soul tat steps into the shop,other than those poor ppl. LOLS! I really hate customer that just come to take a look. I will ignore them. I hope i can. Hmm... finish keying my profile olady. Anyway homework left with a few days to accomplish, i hope i can do it tmr. Hmm.... i really hate armando!! Okay.. research is easy, just copy alot of imfo from the net and print it out. Design outcome, maybe i just draw more things and add more detail... I will go art friend during class tmr and buy the material, get money from my mum first.. Then show the teacher my 'half-done' final peice. Then go off home and finish it. No way am i sitting in the damn classroom for 4 hours staring into space like i did for today(2hr) Okay faster come in bah customer!! Give me 300 customer pls... T.T Labels: Journal
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sales is very bad today.
Feeling tired. First time buying mineral water from ntuc. LOLS! ive never liked drinking water. Why am i so random then? Hmm, cause because i really want my damn face to slim down. So i can look prettier. Since some1 say im not pretty enough T.T But then again ya, its myself tat wants to lose down fats on my face. And drinking water helps. ( water without calories/sugar) Peiying went for her lunch break already. Anyway there is really alot of things to submit, and i really hate the lecturer tmr. His way of doing things just dont suit the usual 'artistic cum creative' style of the art sch. FIRE HIM. This morning i wake up as the usual alarm rang. It was 8, so early huh~ Watch xiao yu er yu hua wu que =) Its until the nice part, where hua yu que comes out. Hmm, wonder when i can finish it since im working and schling and has homework to do. LOLS. Maybe i should just watch it now? Anyway mummy took 200 dollars from daddy, went to tampinese with me. Since im now working here at tampinese. We went to m1 and get phone. Haix its more expensive then it is suppose to be!!! No choice. Phone spoil. This laptop is not easy to type. Just received a call from someone i know and he knows me but not telling me who he is. Im surprise he knows the store's number, so ya o.o He will reveal himself soon. Hahas! Gonna scold tat idoit -.-'' No customer leh! Cant even hit half of the target. How pathetic right? Sales is so bad today....... im at erm... 300?-.-'' Jiayou Goodluck! i want commision!! T.T Labels: Journal |