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Juyoi Chiang ![]() Create Your Badge Geylang Methodist Primary, Geylang Methodist School Secondary, Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts (Design & Media) This is the only place for me to share my happiness & the only space for me to dump my sorrows. I fall in love with beautiful colours and the silence of late nights. Fly away Jia Wei Wan Qing Yan Ying William Boss Mandy Vivian Tay Tay JiaMin Elson Soh Koh YiTing Tan YingPeng Jessica Chua Sherman Foo Max Sim Angie Lee Joseph Hui Kadon Xu Shirley Shu Ping Sillykid* Evon Serena Wish List ~* Dont be greedy~ THE LAST BIT November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 January 2011 July 2011 August 2011
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wow!! I had really a fun time at khoon's house today xD Of cos as well as in the bus =D Laogong super nice ^^ Love u loads. Knowing that u are starting work tmr, somehow im feeling so empty!! Well but at least we had one full day of fun! hmm... Today me and khoon played diablo. Been long since i last touch the disc. Its almost accompanied by dust xD Playing it again is a different feeling. It seems like ive grown up and finally know how to play strategic game. Comparing to last time whr i feel bored at lvl 3/4, this time we played till boss diablo's lvl. =D Gonna get exciting when we are abt to complete the game! Dont know if we have time to play tgt or not... im glad im meeting u for dinner tmr^^
time flies!! Really.. its like..8 months alrdy=D or maybe its becos feb has shorter days so i thought im aging gradually? A short testimonial for u at the end of the post=D Tmr is reunion with jiamin aka ella. Hahas since sec 3 we hadnt been in contact until recently!=D Hope to meet up with melissa as well. And i seriously... need to earn money!! Pay off my dept as well as my prepared sch fees for SIM's diploma. Cant find a good job. And... my mother just dont seem to udnerstand my stand-.- Watever. Dont care her=D Ive changed the songs in the blog!! Another awesome song from Brown eyed Girls! hope anyone who read my blog will like them too=D PS @ laogong: Chua teng khoon!! Love is so unpredictable! Cant believe we spent so much time with each other alrdy... at first i tot i wouldnt be with u at all but who knows, things went on so well, or maybe as u planned 8 months ago, resulting in where we are today. I always believed that everything happens for a reason. And for the past 8 months, u are my reason. We eat, sleep,play, sing and had fun countless of times. Thank you so much for being with me, whether im happy or sad, u tolerate me regardless im joking or serious, u cried when im hurt, u smile when u see my enjoying and u are always the one who stayed by my side and support me no matter what happens. I love u so much!! Now u've intereferd with my life for so long.. dont ever think of running away again!!happy 8th monthsary!! Labels: Journal
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Today is so complicated. Mixture of feelings conjure me T.T But most importantly... i love my job @ tangs. Its the same thing but at least i wont feel bored.. though i cant get to swipe debit credit card or play with the cashiering machine, its definately better there. Doesnt feel bored at all. Time pass fast and can earn money. Can u believe it? Today my sales is 1.5k alone!=D Tgt with he jun, we made a 2.5k sales and hit the sales target margin line. Khoon was with me the whole afternoon since lunch awa dinner. He kena complain by customer that he is spoiling the image of keihl's when he sit at the counter. I know its wrong and i didnt ask him not to. Because he is helping me do some admin stuffs. In any case... my fault. But who cares. customer comes and go. When he leaves, eveything resumes=D Its a good experience at tangs becos i have to handle up to 4 customer in one shot and its really hard for me since in tampines i always take my time when the pace is slow and NEVER fast. On the way home something happen. Got angry and more of upset. Nvm its over now. Tmr im going to sing kbox with jia min (ella) Long long time no sing with her le.. But everything needs to wait for tmr's plan. And as for ytd night, the Mr Goh Chengze talk to me sia. Siao de. I ask him dont disturb me and told him i dont need his comments be it good or bad. thats a fact=D Nothing to do right now...
maybe im going audi to listen to songs but audi means nothing to me alrdy... nvm i'll just take a quite stroll before i go to bed soon..
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Im lying on laogong right now =P LOLS. Today's higlights is : Performance. =D Im not VERY satisfied abt myself on my singing and stage performance. Hmm.. i only managed to bring out 60% of my normal standard=( But definately better than last performance where i screw up the tempo and lyrics haha. This one im still super nervous. Although i didnt act like it, my hand holding the mic is shivering and my legs shivered when i take a step. LOL. Laogong was watching at the audience seat, taking video for me and hong teng. Jay so funny. He didnt switch on the mic and was like hello-ing. Hahahas!! Sharon shout to the stage and instruct us how to do. Erm... his tempo is off for the first part, but we managed to pull it off in the end, with a very nice ending pose. ^^ I create de. Hahas. Videos from cameras are coming up soon. Good experience thsi time since there are alot of ppl. Found lots of pro ppl. Many of which are not so good though. Anycase, i didnt perform as well.. so.. haix. but sharon is damn zai. She like not scared at all leh!! Super=D Tmr working from 3-10. Hopely get my pay soon!!^^ Want to save up...
Labels: Journal
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hello~~ Me the lazybum hadnt been updating my blog for like a long time.. Since i start work bla bla and the chinese new year. In fact, hadnt been touching lappy for some time now. Well.. a couple of fast updates... Im working as a part time now for the fastest growing skin care brand in singapore/asia ( Very proud of it)--- Kiehl's. For ppl who hadnt heard abt it or know it.. should really try the products cause its very good=D Personally i LOVE the yerba mate range as well as the dermotologist whitening range! Ive learnt alot from the training on the 9,10, 11. Each day training ends later. But its fun! The trainer is nice too. In the end i graduate with a 83.5/100 =D Should have failed but well.. =P its a secret =X So right now im officially a beauty advisor earning 7 bucks every hour serving customers and doing the cashier job. Got the key for the boutique!^^ The full timers there also taught me how to handle my cashiering job after closing the sales. Personally i think its really fun thing to do. Like swipe the nets card and tear the receipt=D Most importantly im feeling so professional wearing a lab coat!! Like doctor like dat=D The only bad thing is... im stationed at tampines. Having laogong to find me by train alone takes him abt 40 mins. And i really dont want to travel so far as well. Adult fare expensive T.T
Chinese new year get ang bao lols. Normal routine but this year with additonal laogong to add up the fun. His mother very genorously gave me a 50 bucks red packet. More than my own mother lols. But my daddy give me 100. This year CNY is exciting for simple reason family really reunion le. Hahahas. My father kena fine for throwing litter on floor. Fine 300 bucks-.- Stupid leh. Tmr i throw myself see they will find me anot. Stupid de leh. Fine me if they can =P I go roll on the car park route block traffic. Jkjk xD Another announcement to make, i will be concentrating on working first. When i earn enough money, will take up a private diploma. Its my decision. Haven share with anyone yet. I heard that SIM is good. And its more expensive. Its not like they give cert to anyone with money. So its better for me. So its like working and studying at the same time. But study will be full time fo course. And i still have 1.15k to return to my laogong. Hope faster get pay. The first thing is to open bank acct and own a card. And tell myself i can only deopsit and not withdraw like laogong =P *later he nag nag nag again* " i take money also for u to spend de mah!!" LOLS!! =D Love u la okay~~~~~ Tmr im having performance with hong teng. We doing a duet. The song im really familiar.Its a big stage at jurong point centre something. Cannot rmb full name. Hopely i wont screw up^^ Well.. i know i wont. Perfectionist rmb? Ask that stupid aries to shut his mouth up. Canon. Look who is talking. And please dont think u are the one who motivate me hor. In case u think it is. I am always like dat de. And u dont even know how to sing, so shut ur filthy mouth up. GOH CHENG ZE. aka XV. Sorry lor im very vengeful person. =D Too bad. Its my blog. I write anything i want. None of ur business.You,Clown on stage. Stand on top let ppl laugh at u. Whatever man=D Labels: Journal
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Im playing with my bolster strap right now xD its like a hobby/habit which ever u say=D and i always feel comfortable whenever i do it. LOL. Im not a pervert/ sicko i know for myself. My tummy is feeling so much better now=D Listening to soothing music relax my whole body. I know very well why my tummy is hurting. Not telling anyone =P that includes laogong. Later he cry ^^ dont worry im fine now!! Most importantly.. what i did for the whole day is... i went to my 1st day of training with kiehl's!! From 930am to 630pm. 9 hours wow=D Luckily im paid. Or i have to re consider hahahas=D Not only i learn abt this brand, ive also learnt abt a new+ professional technique of sales. Its not like wat starhub/venture era/roadshows from CD makes me learn. Okay im not suppose to say abt anything bad in other companies so i shall cease this topic. But anyways. Im mainly covered with the history od kielh's, how it started and other marketing points. Haha xD First of all, the trainer is cute coming-to-be mummy=D Listening to her talk is not making me sleepy^^ Maybe becos everything is fresh to me as well. So its kinda interesting=D Bought back the products to test out for myself. Its part of sales.. to know the exact thing to express to ur customers. One greatest thing ive learn today is abt the philosophy of kielh's. ' On top of profit, caring for customer's need is equally important.' Something like dat which serves as the mission for kielh's. Something SOMEONE should learn and please know it by heart that u are not as great/pro/business sazy/ sales savy/smart as u think, Mr XV. Ops sry shouldnt vandalise my own blog=D Ive got to wake up early for tmr's training!!=D yay its gonna be fun! Except for lunch time-.- Miss laogong so much today. Didnt sms much with him but glad i made the correct decision to be at his house with him after work. Well, the reward for him fetching me after work xD Haha, At least we had some time tgt. If one day we are married, its gonna be much easier.( Dont have to send me back home and worry abt missing ur own bus back etc.) Do u wanna marry me? =P
Labels: Journal
Monday, February 8, 2010
I feel so inspired now=D So i decided to make another post^^ I've been reading blogs of friends and even 'enemies'. Noticed that everyone seems more mature than before. And i thought to myself. Ive really changed. And im thankful to all the things that happened in these 16(going to 17) years that shaped me to who i am today. From a noob primary sch student, to a revengeful secondary and to where i am now.I dont care wat hinders me in my past. And what im concerned abt is wat is going to happen in the future. ' If u fail to plan, u plan to fail.' I have no direction now. I have my dream. But looking back.. how many ppl succeeded in acomplishing their dream.. Ima, im thinking that maybe laogong is right...he said that living a simple life is his dream, and to him, its the best life he want to have.Ironically, he is never simple xD Humans are complicated.. so maybe that is his 'dream'. Technically, my dream always comes true. But this dream that we hold by heart.. will it happen the same way.. In order for it to happen, wat should we do..
All of a sudden, i will age drawing near. Life is so short. And experiences tells me, listening to ppl who have been through, it's always gonna be helpful. Im only 16-17. And im thinking so much abt life without knowing should i even think abt it. Someone.. im just looking for someone to guide me and teach me... I dont want to wait till i learn through time. But, do i have a choice? Laogong.. i want to cherish u more.. please let me do so.. I dont want to wait till one day we are gonna be seperated... till then i regret. I love you.. i know u love me even more.. so let me do more for u.. its a helping me and loving me process too!! Family... i know u care for me the most... trust me.. i care as much too... Friends, ive have had alot.. ive lost alot too.. for those who are still with me.. thanks for being there. For those who hadnt.. i wish i had another chance.. to talk things out.. and if there needs to be someone to be the loser. Mote shall it be!! Labels: Journal
Laogong just left my house~ Used my whole day to watch [The Myth] Drama series xD Finally i finished watching whole 50 episodes. Its a really nice show not to say it brought up my interest in my very own chinese cultral. I think every chinese ought to know the past our ancesters lead to where we are today. Although its just a show, it's abt history. And love. Encourage everyone like me who likes history and curious to watch it too=D In additional, it's main lead is a hottie xP
In anycase.. thats how i spent my time for today. Starting from tmr, im going for kiel's training on cosmetics. Its a paid training but however.. im thinking how will my 9 hours pass without laogong =( Anyway its just gonna be like dat. I will survive tat eventually. Somehow=D Most importantly, im gonna pay off the debt of this lappy im using now. Haha!! Oh yeah previously i worked as flyer distributor and earned 122 in 2 days. its really easy money especially for the second day when i pair up with lumch and laogong pair with wei jian. LOLS. Shall not say so much abt wat kind of bad things we did that day. Though guilty conscience but yet doesnt want to be reprimanded ^^ Suddenly im worried about whether i will get posted to any course anot. If not... what will i do.. hope things will get better=D I love laogong^^ Ps: Laogong, today while we are having dinner tgt, i asked u whether u regret being with me or not. I thank for ur answer=D And hereby, i swear my answer is same as urs. I love you.Cong wo men di yi tian zai yi qi, ni wo jiu zao zhu ding yao yi bei zi xiang shou, sheng lao bing si, zhi dao si wang ba wo men fen kai. Jiu suan liang qian nian yi hou, wo dui ni, yi ran bu bian =) Labels: Journal
Thursday, February 4, 2010
LOLS. Long time no post? Okay.. Wat did i do on wednesday? I met out with lumch! LOLS. She asked me out to be her advisor. She is buying monthsary present for her beloved Boyfriend xD And im surprise there are still guys like him who likes polo tee. Hahahas =D I tot now adays guys like him loves to wear checkers? Okay maybe im wrong ^^ Then she bought some clothes for myself. Had yoshinoya and bought concealer. Yeah she intro me to buy that hahahas=D In the end claim from my laogong. Poor laogong. He broke le xD Hahaha!! Then we stayed at laogong's house tgt , went to laogong's parent's stall eat noodle. Didnt know that lumch dont eat chilli. Then in the end laogong had to squeeze the food inside him lols. Although i cant eat alrdy but i still forced myself=P Because very pai seh if leave food un eaten. Like very rude like dat =D Someone we eat for free. LOLS. Ya.. so laogong eat 2 bowl is the same speed as i eat 1 bowl. LOLS. Then went to buy stuffs. Damn Cheap sia! Didnt know why its so cheap leh!! So i bought cosmetic stuffs =P Laogong pay lols. Make me so pai seh la.. Then go home lo. Today nothing special. Went to laogong's house. had dinner with his family. Tmr have work!! Instant pay. Job introduced by jia lin xD 8 per hour =D Flyer distributing only. Hahahas^^ Watching Shen hua till morning =D
Labels: Journal
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Talk abt first priority. Are u sure thats me? I doubt man.. seriously. Wat was our plan? After u reach home we play audi tgt. And wat happened? U ask urself. Do u think that everytime after i get angry i will get fine somehow. Test me then. Go earn big bucks. Be ur watever money tree. I dont give a damn. yes ur gf is not Pretty. But she is definately able to attract ppl. Dont believe u can try. I know u are earning money becos of ur future. But if things ends soon, whoose future are u protecting?Go listen to ur shi fu lo. He will teach u how to break with me de. Go AHEAD. I wait for u sia. Never been dump before. Want some experience.
Labels: Journal
Monday, February 1, 2010
01/02/10: Okay... ytd night i was having a headache so i couldnt get up to post anything.. yes wat i did ytd was.. First, i went for an interview, the beauty advisor one at somerset. LOLS. Im surprised i found my way there =) Im so proud of myself. hahahas!! But i was half an hour late. Reason being? I woke up on time, but sms with XV. Then i got boiling hot and dragged the time.. after my breakfast put on light make up and went for interview. Which is why i was late. But everything went smoothly, im taken in for the brand Keals ^^ Yay im good at oral xD But morning wake up the voice not so good =X so she said i had a soothing voice-.- Good and Bad. Hahahas. Anyways! Im taken!!=D So.. she asked me to do some research on keals^^ Gonna get my paid training soon this month before CNY.Then i shall make my way down for pay at lavender. To my surprise, it wasnt pay from khoon's brother sales. its november sales. So.. i got 180 bucks =D Very happy LOLS. I tot i was gonna get only 50 or 60 bucks. But yay=D Chat with yean. Got a few updates lols. Then went home.. go to khoon's house pay him 100=D Now i owe him lesser. 1.2k left LOLS. Still alot @.@ then...we watch shen hua tgt. I got a terrible headache. Went home early..then while waiting for bus, my necklace broke.. he went back to find and found it=D Lucky!^^ Then we had zhu chao tgt at my house. Fell asleep... This morning was awaken by my headache... poor me.. still kinda pain now. Gonna watch shen hua=D Labels: Journal |